Tag: image of God

Role of Women, Part 5

I know more than I can or ought to say about this matter, but that has been a deeply personal journey. You should take that same journey. I do not want to rob you of discovery. Therefore, let me reiterate that this is a worthy topic and ought to be something you take to the Lord and inquire of Him. He can make it plain to you, only if you are prepared to receive it.

What is required to qualify us for the kingdom of Heaven is driven by what we each lack. In each person that is different. However, the final standard is the same for all of us.

Do not think a merciful and self-sacrificing Lord, who endured infinite suffering to redeem you, has any intention of disappointing you, much less of making you miserable. He will exalt you. But you cannot be as He is without first learning to trust Him and then to follow Him. He descended below it all. Are you greater than He? (D&C 122: 8.)

Man is incomplete. Woman is incomplete. The “image of God” is both male and female. (Gen. 1: 27.)

There is a reason for this necessity of both the man and woman to complete the image of God. The capacity of one is different from the other. Without betraying too much, I will close by saying this, which if you were to understand you would know more about God than you do at present:

The role of the man is knowledge.
The role of the woman is wisdom.
These are eternal, and not merely found here.
Even the names of God reflect these separate roles and the scriptures associate wisdom with the feminine. Underlying this are things which we are only shown to the faithful when we have first become more like God.

There is nothing to your lamentation and complaints that God will not provide a more than adequate reward for enduring. God will not leave you comfortless on this issue any more than He will on any subject which causes you tears. They will all be wiped away. (Rev. 7: 17.) You need to develop the faith to trust Him. He will not disappoint you.

Each of us needs to find God. Then we should lead our spouse to Him likewise. There is a lifetime of effort required to do so.

BFHG, Conclusion

The “third member of the Godhead” is still in a probationary state. “The Holy Ghost is now in a state of probation which if he should perform in righteousness he may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has.” (WJS, p. 245,  27 August 1843.) Perhaps you understand that now.

The Holy Ghost is “a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.” (D&C 130: 22.) It is “the testator” of the Father and the Son. (TPJS, p. 190.) Perhaps you understand that now.

The baptism of water is unto repentance. It is done upon the body you occupy. You no doubt should understand that.

The baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost is unto sanctification. It is done upon the body and Spirit within you. Perhaps you understand that now.

There is “power” which sustains everything, as we have discussed over the last two weeks. (D&C 88: 13.) That power is called the Holy Spirit. Among its many attributes is the Holy Ghost. But no matter what you think you know, there is always more to learn. The responsibility to teach what cannot be said is reserved for God. God teaches, or “reveals” to man through the Holy Ghost the deep things of God. Hence the saying by Joseph that “the Holy Ghost is a revelator” and “you cannot receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelation.” (TPJS, p. 328.)

Man was made in the image of God. (Moses 2: 27.) Man’s destiny is to be redeemed. God’s work and glory is to bring to pass the eternal life and exaltation of man. (Moses 1: 39.) That work is not completed until you sit upon the same Throne as Christ and His Father. (Rev. 3: 21-22.)

Nothing here is static. Things in this sphere are either growing or decaying. There is either increase or decrease. These two opposing forces bring new life into this world and then decay and destroy it. Then it is recycled as another life rises from and uses the elements of the prior, deceased plant, animal or man. The purpose of baptism of “fire and the Holy Ghost” is to preserve and to purge a living being. It is to render indestructable the organism upon which it descends. It is not to prevent earthly death, but to allow eternal life. Christ’s Gospel is to bring eternal life so that those who die may live again eternally. (John 11: 25.) These people never die, because they live eternally through the fire bestowed upon them. (John 11: 26.) Such eternal life begins now, while still in the flesh. They live here as members of another assembly, and then pass from here to join them again. (D&C 76: 67.) Though they are men in the flesh, they are gods, even the sons of God, and all things are given unto them. (D&C 76: 58-60.)

Yet in all this man cannot glory in man, but must glory in God. The victory is His alone. (D&C 76: 61.)

This topic cannot be adequately explained by man to another man, but it can be known to any man through God. It is intended that all should be converted and experience this, including you. Be believing. Ask. Seek. Knock. It will be opened to you, as it has for all those who are faithful and trusting of God.

The Holy Ghost is not only “the Comforter” but also:
-the record of heaven.
-the truth of all things.
-that which quickeneth all things.
-that which maketh alive all things.
-that which knoweth all things.
-that which has all power according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment.
(Moses 6: 61.)

Therefore I say unto you: “receive the Holy Ghost.”