Category: Thoughts


Johns Hopkins University has completed a study of the effect lockdowns have had on the rate of COVID-19 deaths. The conclusion of their study is stated in the “Abstract” at the start of the article. Their summary is: “lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. More
specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only
reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing
COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence
of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality
While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects,
they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In
consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy
instrument.” (Emphasis added.)

The study is linked here: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality

If lockdowns have proven ineffective for the purpose of lowering mortality rates, it is clear that they have proven very effective in subduing populations. Even nations regarded previously as having a vibrant democratic rule with a resilient independent-minded population have quietly accepted the forfeiture of civil rights.

You can expect the political lessons learned by autocrats from the lockdown will not be forgotten. If invoking “common good” and “public health” are enough to make every knee bow, then it is easy to anticipate they will become regular tools in the arsenal of the politically ambitious world leaders.

The political and business landscape has not just been changing: IT HAS CHANGED.

Think about the position taken by the US Government. A mandatory injection of mRNA drugs has been adopted for the military, and was being enforced on employers with 100 or more employees, until court orders limited that demand. Many states, counties and cities adopted similar mandatory injections. It is presently estimated that 64% of the US population has been injected. This is disappointing for some political leaders and is far less than many other nations. Portugal has 90.5%, Spain 81.9%, Japan 79.2%, New Zealand 76.6%, Germany 73.4%, and Brazil 70.1% (just to mention a few).

If leaders scheme to expose the entire world’s population to something, and an injection does not accomplish the objective, the one thing that holds the potential for reaching everyone is the food supply. It makes the opening words of the Word of Wisdom seem more relevant today than when first recorded in February 1833: “In consequence of evils and designs which will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you and forewarned you, by giving unto you this word of Wisdom by revelation.” T&C 89:2

The advice includes: “All wholesome herbs God has ordained for the constitution, and nature, and use of man: every herb in the season thereof and every fruit in the season thereof, all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.” Id, Paragraph 4. Fresh food that has not been processed, particularly if you grow it in your own garden, might be a far better plan for life than relying on increasingly authoritarian suppliers.

Consider how shocking it is (or should be) that ideas are now being suppressed and discussions prohibited. The public is accepting, even approving, the suppression of speech that is considered contrary to the powerful interests of society. Things are not just changing: IT HAS CHANGED.

The trends all point in but one direction. In the remaining democracies of the world the public seems bizzarely indifferent to the trends. Elections are opportunities to change courses, but take some effort to oppose the evils and designs that exist in the hearts of conspiring men today. At every level, from local to national, vote for upholding integrity, honesty and freedom: “I, the Lord your God, make you free; therefore, you are free indeed, and the law also makes you free. Nevertheless, when the wicked rule, the people mourn. Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men you should observe to uphold; otherwise, whatever is less than these comes of evil.” T&C 98:2

Power does not just corrupt men when they get a little authority over others, but power also always attracts the corrupt. If you believe in freedom and trust your fellow man to govern himself, then you might also want to consider running for office. Recent events have shown that pernicious efforts have been adopted by school boards. There is no place, from cities to states, to the nation, where good, honest and wise people cannot help to preserve freedom.

The most important and enduring things are ideas. They outlast empires. Attacks on the preservation of noble, uplifting, edifying ideas is therefore a greater threat to society than all the battles of Rome, the violence of World Wars I and II, and the persistent regional violence of all history. If ideals and truth can be suppressed, then there is no hope for freedom.

The pandemic has been used most alarmingly as a tool to suppress speech and thought. The results of governmental actions have not been effective in curtailing mortality from the illness. The Johns Hopkins study shows that. But the governmental response has been decidedly effective in curtailing both speech and thought. The willing adoption of an intolerant orthodoxy should be shocking to us all. The widespread opposite reaction of acceptance and defending the orthodoxy is the real lesson we should now take to heart. It should make us all realize we are led by conspiring men.


The only real tools available for a bearer of God’s priesthood are persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness and meekness, love unfeigned, kindness and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul. (See T&C 175:31) Which literally means no power or influence can or should be exerted because of claims to priestly authority or position. (Id.)

The most obvious result of these limitations is that some people will never give a fair hearing to the message. Without an accompanying claim to have authority, some people will dismiss it outright, no matter what the message contains. Even if it is expressed in kindness and unfeigned love, unless a person is willing to consider the message, it will not be received.

These limitations are inspired. Pure knowledge is not appealing to those who will not hear the Lord’s voice. Christ put it this way: “he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that enters in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him, the porter opens and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he puts forth his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him, for they know not the voice of strangers.” NC John 6:24

The door is shut, and a “porter” guards the way. The shepherd is the one who enters by the door, and he tells the guardians to open the way for his sheep. The guardians open at the shepherd’s request, and then the shepherd calls his own sheep by name. This part of the Lord’s parable brings to mind the idea that He gives names to those who are His. They are not strangers. He brings them into His family by naming them.

The sheep belonging to the shepherd are twice identified: Once by having their names called out, and again by recognizing the voice of their shepherd, to whom they belong. Both the shepherd and the sheep are involved in the process. He leads, invites, persuades, and guides. His sheep respond, accept, recognize, and follow. Both the Lord and His servants can recognize each other.

Other sheep do not respond. No amount of persuasion can pry them away from petrified opinion. It is hard, very hard, to change your religion. I have done it twice. Both times required a great price to be paid. It was not easy to lose so many friends and associates, and to have those who once called me “brother” shun and disregard me because I heard a voice they could not hear themselves. But after paying the price twice now, I know that it is a very hard thing to ask others to do, and so few will be willing to do so.

Mark Twain once said: “Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.” He was right. But the chains he spoke of were human slavery, and the greater chains to be broken are of darkness and ungodliness. We all let our opinions petrify. But the Good Shepherd often takes us through stages of understanding that become brighter and brighter until the perfect day. (See T&C 36:4) It is hard to imagine all the opinions that will need changing before we reach the end of that journey.

Religious traditions are very hard to set aside. Particularly when it was taught by your parents, affirmed by your grandparents, and shared across generations before. But traditions embedded in institutions are almost invariably corrupted by the cares of this world. As soon as men get a little power and authority over others, they begin to pursue self-interest and abuse the saints of God. (See T&C 93:9 also T&C 166)

If the Good Shepherd’s voice calls by offending a religious tradition, it is the tradition that must be abandoned, not the Good Shepherd. False traditions and the institutions that perpetuate them spread darkness, not light. As the Lord put it, the “wicked one comes and takes away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers.” T&C 93:11

I have followed the Good Shepherd when He has called. It has required a great sacrifice of me repeatedly. But now both He and I know where my loyalty lies.

I cannot say it is easy to respond to the Lord’s call. But I can assure you that there is no better direction to follow than the one His voice beckons you to take. It may never be easy, but the Lord posed this question to Joseph in a Missouri prison: “if fierce winds become your enemy, if the heavens gather blackness and all the elements combine to hedge up the way, and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open her mouth wide after you, know, my son, that all these things shall give you experience and shall be for your good. The Son of Man has descended below them all. Are you greater than he?” T&C 139:8

Hard Hearts/Hard Heads

Good gets called “evil” and evil gets called “good.” Some people need to repent and abandon a sinful idea, but do not even understand they are defending evil and calling it good.

There is a correlation between hearts becoming hardened and unavoidable contention. When men become filled with arrogant pride, they assume they are right, even when they are very wrong. It is impossible for hardened society to have a give-and-take discussion because they refuse to consider other viewpoints. If a false idea is allowed to be set out, and then is denounced and the error exposed and explained patiently, it will not yield any result for the hardhearted.

We will not be able to persuade everyone. The number of humble searchers who are willing to hear a matter before judging it are decreasing.

As the Nephite society drifted toward constant internal and external conflict, the record explains: “And many more things did the people imagine up in their hearts which were foolish and vain; and they were much disturbed, for Satan did stir them up to do iniquity continually. Yea, he did go about spreading rumors and contentions upon all the face of the land, that he might harden the hearts of the people against that which was good and against that which should come.” NC Helaman 5:21

People are influenced by the perception that an opinion is widely held. There are studies that confirm that the great majority of people can be manipulated to adopt an answer, even when they know it is incorrect, if others in the study group agree. The study of human behavior in the social sciences has been used to help advance political agendas and get the public to accept political outcomes. Social media outlets are not ignorant of these studies. They base their agenda on them.

The “twiter-verse” and Instagram are dominated by a tiny number of activists who urge constantly for their causes. Despite their insignificant numbers, they are made to appear to be a great majority. This influences decisions by corporations, governments and even churches.

Facebook censors opinions to control topics. Ideas are not allowed to be considered, because they are not given the opportunity to be heard.

The “great chain” Enoch saw Satan had that veiled the whole face of the earth, was made of lies. Enoch reported that, “he beheld Satan, and he had a great chain in his hand, and he veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness; and he looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced.” NC Gen. 4:15

We should be able to recognize that same pattern today. Politicians and businessmen have learned that the ‘popular’ lie can overcome the truth. Even if the lie is unpopular, all that is needed is for it to seem to be overwhelmingly accepted. The media outlets know this, and dispense propaganda to make bad ideas seem to be the common view held by the great majority. Churches are being swept up in this same foolish and vain imaginings.

To guard against it there are a handful of things I try to do: Study the scriptures, particularly the New Covenant or Restoration Edition. Pray in private daily. Do something deliberate for God every day, to bless someone else–even if they do not appreciate it or recognize what motivates you.

There were a few people who were not deceived in Enoch and Noah’s day. And some few will not be overcome by the growing multitude of lies we face daily. I hope to be one of them. There are still great things to be done by believing and faithful people. And therefore great things for us to look forward to, and rejoice.

Awaiting Results…

There has been a global clinical trial underway and we are still awaiting results from those experimental trials. Although the trial is commonly called a “vaccine” it is actually a form of mRNA gene editing experimentation.

A team from MIT has prepared an article to explain the preliminary results uncovered thus far in the clinical trials. Their article appears in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, and is titled (and linked) here: Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against Covid-19

They show just how unprecedented the administration of these gene therapies are, including these being the first time PEG (polyethylene glycol) has been injected into subjects. The first time to use mRNA vaccine to protect against an infectious agent. The first time health authorities tell those receiving the injection to expect an adverse reaction. The first vaccine to make no claims about reducing infections, transmission, or deaths from the underlying illness. The first injection of clinically modified polynucleotides in the general population. And it is the first vaccine against a coronavirus attempted in humans.

The article is very interesting and poses a number of questions that will only be answered over time and as we determine what long-term effects the mRNA therapy will have. They note some evidence now exists that the vaccines produce autoimmune disease reactions, and should be carefully studied to determine if this is a prevalent risk. They warn that there is a risk these injections “could prime the immune system toward development of both auto-inflammatory and autoimmune disease.” (International Journal of Vaccine Theory, May 10, 2021, p. 53)

Although the article is technical, you can learn a great deal by carefully reading it. When you encounter a word you do not understand, do a search for a definition on-line and it will let you understand what the authors are communicating.

The section of the article, “A Possible Link to Prion Diseases and Neurodegeneration” (id., beginning on page 59) is particularly worth reading and understanding. They raise the idea that neurodegeneration akin to Parkinson’s, ALS, and Alzheimer’s may be one of the long-term risks from the body producing its own spike-proteins.

They recommend a more comprehensive gathering of data from long term adverse effects be undertaken. And that we get more open discussion of the reports from adverse effects so that we can understand what the experiment now underway will show once we have open access to important information.

Right now the vaccine has become a political issue, not a public health issue. True enough the political discussion always insists it is about public health, but in truth there has been little honest discussion of the actual science. Bombast and emotional appeals about “safety” and “dangers” are not tied to discussion of actual numbers. Little effort has been made to distinguish between asymptomatic infections and symptomatic infections. Nor has there been an adequate consideration of hospitalizations with Covid-19 as opposed to hospitalizations due to Covid-19. So the arguments are waged with a great deal of emotion, and very little reliable information to allow the public to understand the actual risks.

Perhaps we ought to be more curious about the actual risks, not of Covid-19, but of the vaccines that modify mRNA to cause the human body to produce spike proteins.

Why was Joseph killed?

There is a new documentary titled, “Who Killed Joseph Smith?” It was released this last weekend, and can now be viewed on-line at this website:

I was favorably impressed with this attempt to explain how first Hyrum, and then Joseph, were murdered in Carthage Jail. The story told by the Latter-day Saints does not match the physical proof and this documentary does a better job of explaining what happened than does the LDS church’s account. The Latter-day Saints have recognized their original explanation cannot be accurate, and fails to account for physical injuries to the bodies of the slain brothers, and so their explanation has been changed and continues to be modified. These official changes are explained in the new documentary.

The conclusion of the new film will be hard for Latter-day Saints to even consider. To reach a correct conclusion a person must be open to considering any plausible alternative, no matter how unpleasant it may be.

Of course there were outside political and religious people hostile to Joseph Smith. But they were not alone. There were insiders, followers and even accompanying leaders in the inner-circles of the Latter-day Saints who were also disaffected by Joseph Smith’s leadership.

Joseph Smith was surrounded by ambitious and aspiring men. Joseph’s role in the Kirtland Anti-Banking Society failure, his continuing financial struggles, and pending bankruptcy at the time of his death are obvious proof that Joseph was not a successful businessman. There were many others who could manage money better, and who could figure out how to make the organization Joseph established profitable. Indeed, Brigham Young managed to monetize Mormonism as an institution and leaders have been chosen from business, banking, law and other professions for generations. The single individual who is the owner of the Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is likely the “richest” man in the world today. I put “richest” in quotes because he clearly controls a vast financial empire, but presumably manages it with some degree of caution considering the claimed status as a religious leader. But the LDS Church is, by now, only a minor part of the wealth that office controls.

Joseph Smith never attempted to build a financial empire. He did attempt to establish a religious society, and hoped it could become independent of all other governments. But his impulse to provide for the needs of others, and particularly the poor converts streaming into his community caused many losses and set-backs.

Others who were close to Joseph knew he was an impediment to financial success. And, because of the lusts of the flesh, many later LDS leaders would admit that they got a “revelation” about plural wives while serving on missions in England, years before Joseph Smith purportedly began to teach it to them in complete secrecy. Joseph stood in the way of rolling out plural wives publicly, because he consistently condemned the practice publicly, brought church disciplinary proceedings against people he learned were practicing it, and made it impossible for it to become the standard practice for the society.

If other leaders thought they could do a much better job financially, and knew Joseph Smith would never publicly advocate what they knew God had “revealed” to them in England, then ‘it would be better that one man should die than an entire people be deprived of progress’–so to speak.

Before dismissing outright the possibilities raised in the new documentary, consider whether there were insiders, even in the highest ranks of Nauvoo society, who might benefit from the deaths of Hyrum and Joseph. If the wound in Hyrum’s neck was an entry wound, and from a pistol rather than a musket, and the injury to his face was an exit wound also from a pistol, then what? If the mob intended to hang, not shoot, the brothers, and inside the jail room they fell from pistol fire, what happened? Who could have been in the room armed with a pistol to fire upon the brothers?

The film is worth watching.

Answers to 4 Questions

I got the following questions and provided the following answers:

1) What exactly is the relationship between Roger Williams, Alexander Campbell, Joseph Smith and Denver Snuffer?

Roger Williams saw the need for a restoration of Christianity, rather than just a reformation.
Alexander Campbell thought it possible to return to Primitive Christianity rather than just continuing the Protestant tradition.
Joseph Smith testified that Jesus Christ called upon him to renew Christianity through a restoration directed by Heaven with all the authority and gifts of the original established by Christ.
I claim to be working to reinvigorate the work Joseph Smith commenced, and to be continuing the process so it will reach a completion. It did not get finished by Joseph Smith, and what he left behind has lapsed into disrepair. It needs to be reinvigorated, and then to be completed. I am working on accomplishing both.

2) I don’t understand what is meant by the translations of the Bible by Joseph Smith etc. as part of the three volumes of covenants in a way that is different from the traditional Mormon scriptures. Is the retranslated Book of Mormon considered part of second covenant, and the new works of 2017-2019 some kind of new third covenant?

Joseph Smith was asked by Christ to revise the King James Version of the Bible to add clarifications and restore omissions. He did that and it was not published by the LDS organization as part of their scriptures. In a revised publication by the LDS church in 1980, some of the Joseph Smith revisions and additions were added as footnotes to their scriptures. We have published the entire Joseph Smith revision of the Bible as our scriptures.
The Book of Mormon is considered part of the new covenant. It is not changed other than to conform it to the original translation by Joseph Smith. The process used is described in the Forward to the Book of Mormon in the new scriptures. I link to it here: Forward

3) At what point was it prophesied or predicted that the initial teachings of Joseph Smith would be corrupted, and the corruption would spread to the entire movement? How was it known the way that the Restoration would be “restored” in 2017-2019? And what is the distinction between the newer translations and the original old ones, and what difference do they make?

The work being done by Joseph Smith was condemned in 1832. That is linked here: T&C 82:20
The people were ultimately rejected by the Lord. That is linked here: T&C 141:11
An inspired prayer was offered to the Lord, who directed what the contents of the prayer were to include. That prayer rehearses the history of the restoration and its failure. That prayer is linked here: T&C 156

4)Finally, how does your Restoration movement address the issue of the authenticity and origin of the Book of Mormon, with all the alleged anachronisms, mistakes, contradictions, etc. related to the book, the gold plates, the Book of Abraham etc.??

Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon into the language of his time, using his own vocabulary and background. Every word of the translation required some adaptation of the text to make it fit into modern word usages and vocabulary. As is apparent in the current effort to re-translated the text back into Biblical Hebrew, there are some passages that are difficult in English, but fit comfortably into Biblical Hebrew. Then there are others that are difficult to adapt into the older language. The Book of Mormon was composed by those who spoke the form of Hebrew that existed at 600 bc, but who wrote in a more compact form of language borrowed from Egyptian. Whenever there is a translation there are necessary accommodations to make the text understandable in the new language. We accept Joseph Smith’s divinely inspired translation as a reliable text, teaching authentic truths about God and the work of God among ancient people. The closer the teachings are examined and understood, the closer the person abiding the Book of Mormon’s teachings will grow to God.
As for the Book of Abraham, here is a talk I gave on the text: The Religion of the Fathers

Rhetoric and Reality

Political rhetoric is far divorced from reality. Much of the language coming from political leaders is designed to distract the public rather than to inform us. The current state of things is so mired in deception and distraction that leaders are succeeding in substituting rhetorical nonsense for reality.

Marxism has never succeeded and yet its theories are used as the rhetorical basis to advance totalitarian ambitions. If the production and distribution of goods and services are controlled by any central authority, then nothing remains of freedom and free choice. People cannot survive without food. The planner who controls the distribution of food controls the population. The ambition of Marxists is not to make everyone equal and to distribute goods and services to benefit the public, but it is only to control the public.

There is an inexplicable madness in the desire of men to control others. I do not understand it because I do not share it. It is so difficult to live my own life worthily before God, recognizing that I am accountable to Him for my words, deeds and thoughts that I have no desire to control others. As King Benjamin put it: “But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe to keep the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish.” RE Mosiah 2:6

Why would anyone want to become accountable for controlling others? It is madness.

Yet the current political struggle in every nation is between those who seek freedom and self-determination, and the ambitions of business, banking, political, religious and military leaders who want to consolidate power and control over others. To the extent they succeed to the point that they feel free to impose their will, it will require the killing of the remaining opposition who resist their control.

The United States has leaders who want to govern against the will of the majority. But the leaders employ rhetoric to blind the eyes of the public to their plans. Isaiah described and condemned them and their ambitions: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” RE Isa. 1:17

Marxist “values” seem to have an appeal to equality and fairness. But those apparent values have nothing to do with the reality of the ambitions of those who use Marxist rhetoric. It is just a convenient vocabulary employed to deceive and mislead while power and control is being gained.

If your choices seem to be diminishing, that is because there are those seeking that result. If your freedom to make economic decisions seem to be diminishing, that is because leaders are working to accomplish that. If economic troubles motivate you to consider allowing a different, even radical economic approach to rescue you from the woes you experience, that is because conspirators are working hard to achieve that goal. If you think giving up freedom to travel, or shop, or speak will make you feel safer, that is because rhetoric of fear is working and therefore it will continue to be employed until it no longer is useful to the conspiracies of evil and designing men.

Those seeking power and authority gravitate to high office in governments. They have labored for generations to bring aboard the leaders in business, religions, banking, law and militaries. If there is a significant center of influence anywhere in the world, the conspirators work to bring them aboard. As Paul explained it, “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” RE Eph. 1:25

The extent of spiritual wickedness in high places in this world has become so great, so widespread, and so confident of its success that the rhetoric is no longer able to deceive many people into accepting a false reality. The hosts of conspirators fear the public awakening to their awful situation, because that will be followed by arising to fight against the conspiracy.

Politics and the news media are filled with insincere people peddling false ideas, to blind and mislead you. When both sides of a political divide seek the same power to control you, then you should ask yourself if you still have a choice? Do you want Coke or Pepsi–because water is not on the menu.

If control is needed to make it “fair” and more “equal” then what you will wind up with is compulsion to force what those in power decide will be better. And their priorities will never include your freedom to choose. Nor will it allow you to opt out.

216 Years

It was 216 years ago today that Joseph Smith was born. Oddly the largest beneficiary of his birth, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has failed to make any note of his birthday.

The Lord used Joseph Smith to set in motion the events promised as signs to precede the Lord’s return. In his lifetime Joseph accomplished all the preliminary steps, and died before everything could be completed. After a pause for nearly two centuries, the Lord has set in motion the final set of promised events.

We owe a great debt to Joseph, and could not have the opportunities given to us now if not for him.

Life begins before birth

A paragraph from the Christmas story in the new scriptures, Luke 1:7, is quoted here:

And in those days, Mary went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah, and entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the holy ghost, and she spoke out with a loud voice and said, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is it that this blessing is upon me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, as soon as the voice of your salutation sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And blessed are you who believed, for those things which were told you of the angel of the Lord shall be fulfilled.

It is the joy of the unborn child that made him stir in the womb. The unborn John would not have responded to the sound of Mary’s voice with “joy” if his mortal life had not begun before birth. She was in the end of the second trimester, in modern pregnancy vernacular. John would not be born for another three months. But his life, ability to respond to the environment outside the womb (including sound), and ability to experience “joy” are all described in this paragraph.

The United States has approved and helped to fund with taxpayer subsidies the abortions of now some 70 million unborn children. It is more state sponsored killing than Hitler inflicted. More than Stalin killed. More than Pol Pot killed. It is within the upper range of the estimated number killed by Mao Zedong. The United States is now reconsidering the outcome of Harry Blackmun’s majority opinion in Roe v. Wade. It is time to end a tragedy that should never have begun.

New Book

For five years work has been done to reach out to Christians and invite them to consider the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is underway. Much of that work has been put into a new book that is now available. A podcast is now up explaining the reason for the new book and is linked here: The Testimony of Jesus.

The book is in hardback only, and is now available through Amazon at this link: The Testimony of Jesus: Past, Present and Promise.

The book is intended to help Christians understand why there is a need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be restored. The tortured history of the Christian religion makes it impossible to think Christianity exists in a pure form in any of the organized denominations claiming to offer salvation today.

If God spoke in times past to inspire men who were moved upon by the Holy Ghost, then it makes sense that an unchangeable God would likewise speak again as we approach the return of His Son in glory. Prophecy and common sense tell us that God must do a work again upon the earth before the final judgement of the world takes place. God has sent messengers again. And His voice speaks to us, now.

Tomorrow’s Interview

Tomorrow’s interview can be watched or heard at the following links:  –  The link to the youtube video.where one can watch the video version. – The website where the audio only version will be published the day after the live interview

The interview will begin at 6:20 pm Mountain Time. It is scheduled to go for an hour, and then I’m told there will be some questions from the audience (although I’m not clear on how that will work).

Upcoming Interview

A friend of mine does a podcast as “Radio Free Mormon” or RFM. He also does a Wednesday evening show/interview on YouTube with the title “Mormonism Live.” That YouTube show is hosted by both him and Bill Reel. RFM has often asked me to come on the show and I’ve repeatedly refused…until 10 days ago. I agreed to put an announcement up on my website beforehand.

The interview will be on the Wednesday evening prior to Thanksgiving. It will be on the Mormonism Live YouTube channel, and will begin at 6:20. I will put a link up beforehand for anyone interested in listening or watching it.

We’ve agreed that we won’t talk about polygamy. RFM thinks it is too big a subject to cover in an hour-long interview. And I think it is too boring a subject to re-plough again.

We also exchanged views about discussing the subject of ‘seeing Christ.’ I explained that profound religious experiences are sometimes important to discuss. But when Joseph Smith retold an event and either added a detail, or omitted a point, the differences in retelling became the basis for a great deal of criticism, even skepticism for others.

When I have had an encounter beyond the veil, I have recorded it in my journal. The account was contemporaneous, and reduced to a finite account that could not grow like a fish story with the retelling. Also, it was a reliable record for me to use when (and if) the experience was made public.

I have taken excerpts from my journal and made them public. The committee who assembled the new scriptures thought some of those had enough merit to justify including the accounts in the new scriptures. They proposed adding several accounts to the new scriptures and a conference approved doing so. The accounts in the new scriptures can be read at these places in the new volume titled “Teachings and Commandments”:
T&C 160:
T&C 161:
There are also other materials, visions or revelations in the T&C that are mine, but I think these are the two that would be directly responsive to questions about seeing Christ.

It has been my experience that a certain kind of superficial personality gravitates to claims of the fantastical and supernal. They are, for lack of a better term, sign-seekers. They are drawn to those who tell otherworldly experiences, and are quite fickle in their beliefs. They are easily led, and therefore easily led astray. These superficial folks often display a great deal of enthusiasm, and draw unwanted attention by their attendance at gatherings. I’m not altogether sure about the mental stability of the sign-seekers, but I do know that when great religious claims are made some of the very first attracted to the claimants include these sign-seekers.

I’ve had enough of them to last a lifetime. I don’t want to attract yet more from the Mormonism Live audience. So while I am willing to reference these two sources that people can read and reflect on in their privacy, I will be leaving it at that.

When teaching about something profound, I try to always use scripture as the primary content, and to not resort to adding something from personal experience unless absolutely required to do so. The things of God are of deep import, and careful, ponderous, solemn thought is required. After all angels only show themselves “unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness.” (Moroni 7:30)

I have also noted a number of religious pretenders who are not concerned with elevating others by what they teach. They are instead interested in attracting followers by the claims they make, like Carnival barkers inviting people to throw baseballs, rings or darts. Instead of stuffed animals and cheap pocket knives, they offer salvation. For a fee. Always for a fee.

I try to leave people better off, more well informed, more deeply connected with God and interested in studying scripture and searching for truth themselves. I want other people to connect with God. It troubles me when people want to instead form an attachment to me, as if following me were enough of a religious experience for them.

Also, giving new details about things beyond the veil supplies the pretenders and charlatans with new things to imitate or claim. There are others who scour what I have taught and then mimic, without attribution, to try to gather a following or bolster their spiritual pretensions. It is inevitable, I suppose. But I try to dial it down, and focus on things that will help other people connect to God for themselves. That is what improves lives, improves marriages and improves families. And I take nothing as compensation, always losing money for the cause.

People who are capable of solemn reflection take a much longer time to consider a matter before deciding. I have met some very impressive people who believe as I do. These include some of the best of the LDS who have left that organization in search of something more. These people were among the best and brightest in the LDS organization, when they worshiped there. Associating with them elevates me, and others, who share their company. These people have been rebaptized and joined in the chorus of those who believe God is up to something now. They have not only added, but have taken the initiative to accomplish a great number of things. Books have been written, conferences have been organized, video presentations have been prepared, and profound teaching has taken place.

There is so much left to be done that there is no reason to stop and ask for praise or to be noticed for what has been accomplished at this point. Right now there are glaring things missing from the restoration: Where is Zion? What is the “fullness of the priesthood” God mentioned to Joseph in January 1841 and how/when will it return? And many other incomplete teachings, ordinances and events that belong to the last dispensation. I’m working on it. I’m a long way short of accomplishing much as yet.

Not sure if the interview will be worth watching. But if anyone is interested, I will put up a link beforehand.

A Stranger

Joseph Smith remarked to a crowd in Nauvoo that, “You don’t know me; you never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it. I don’t blame any one for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself. I never did harm any man since I was born in the world. My voice is always for peace.” He said this in April 1844, two months before he was killed.

Those there DIDN’T know him. Nor do I think the Latter-day Saints today know him either. There are more lies, misrepresentations and false accusations made about him today than the many falsehoods spread about him while he lived.

Joseph presented a unique opportunity for believers to accomplish something great. But to accomplish those great things necessarily required people who would give heed to the message. In January 1841 the Lord spoke through Joseph to give a final opportunity to realize the great culmination of the restoration. But that would be dependent upon whether “my people will hearken unto my voice and unto the voice of my servants whom I have appointed to lead my people[.]” T&C 141:13

The Lord’s voice spoke through Joseph (who delivered this revelation). And that revelation appointed Hyrum Smith to be the first, to stand at the head and hold the sealing power or Holy Spirit of Promise: “First, I give unto you Hyrum Smith to be a patriarch unto you, to hold the sealing blessings of my church, even the Holy Spirit of Promise whereby you are sealed up unto the day of redemption, that you may not fall, notwithstanding the hour of temptation that may come upon you.” T&C 141:41

Second, Joseph Smith was to stand as the presiding elder over the church: “I give unto you my servant Joseph to be a presiding elder over all my church, to be a translator, a revelator, a seer, and prophet.” T&C 141:42

These January 1841 appointments of Hyrum and Joseph were made to identify for the Nauvoo people the “servants whom [the Lord] appointed to lead [His] people.” But 27 months later in a conference held in April 1843, Hyrum was required to condemn the stealing and counterfeit money printing going on in Nauvoo. “(They say) They have a right to steal from any man who is not a member of the Church if they consecrate 2/3 of it. They are also making Bogus money.” JSP, Documents Vol. 12, p. 161. Joseph followed Hyrum’s talk and added his own condemnation. Joseph said, speaking for the Presidency, that “such things have never been tolerated, I despise a thief above ground. because I would know that he would be a detriment to my cause and would steal my horse when I wanted to run away. It has been said that some was afraid to disclose what they know of these secret combinations[.]” Id., p. 162.

Of what use was it to the people of that day to have a living Patriarch embodying the Holy Spirit of Promise, if they were thieves? The only message a prophet could deliver to such a group was to denounce their dishonesty. Why speak of heavenly things to people who were unable to live honorably and honestly with one another?

The greatest opportunity offered mankind in two millennia was squandered by people the Lord has called “fools.” They continue to squander what the Lord offered through Hyrum and Joseph. They pretend to be equals, when they are nothing of the sort. The Lord explained to Joseph that, “The ends of the earth shall inquire after your name, and fools shall have you in derision, and hell shall rage against you, while the pure in heart, and the wise, and the noble, and the virtuous shall seek counsel, and authority, and blessings constantly from under your hand. And your people shall never be turned against you by the testimony of traitors, and although their influence shall cast you into trouble, and into bars and walls, you shall be had in honor. And but for a small moment, and your voice shall be more terrible in the midst of your enemies than the fierce lion, because of your righteousness, and your God shall stand by you for ever and ever.”

It is still that way. Reading the Joseph Smith Papers publication by the LDS Church Historian’s Office reminds me over and over of how they hold him in derision still. Joseph continually reminds people to be virtuous, honest, moral and upright. He denounces immorality, dishonesty, and hypocrisy. “it is against my principles to act the part of a hypocrite, or to dissemble in any wise whatever, with any man.” JSP Documents Vol. 12, p. 114. But the LDS Church Historian’s Office continually accuses Joseph of hypocrisy, lying, deceiving, and acting the two-faced deceiver. That is their official narrative.

I could not admire, much less follow, an adulterous man as the LDS Church claims to do. At Joseph’s request, Hyrum wrote a letter to the entire church condemning what would later be proclaimed as a principle of salvation for Latter-day Saints: “Behold, this is a wicked generation, full of lyings, and deceit, and craftiness, and the children of the wicked are wiser than the children of light, i.e., they are more crafty, and it seems that it has been the case in all ages of the world. And the man, when he leaves his wife and travels to a foreign nation, while on his way, darkness overpowers his mind, and Satan deceives him and flatters him with the graces of the harlot, and before he is aware, he is disgraced for ever. And greater is the danger for the woman that leaves her husband. And there are several instances where women have left their husbands and come to this place, and in a few weeks or months they have found themselves new husbands and they are living in adultery, and we are obliged to cut them off from the church. There are men also that are guilty of the same crime, as we are credibly informed, we are knowing to their having taken wives here, and are credibly informed that they have wives in England.” T&C 149:4

One of those adulterous men mentioned in this letter was apparently Brigham Young. But once Brigham Young gained control over the church, he secured a chorus of voices to falsely accuse Joseph and make both him and Hyrum hypocrites and deceivers.

If no one else will proclaim it then I will: Joseph and Hyrum were virtuous men. And unless you are virtuous also you will be condemned by God for your wickedness. “For I, the Lord, cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance; nevertheless, he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven, and he that repents not, from him shall be taken even the light which he has received. For my spirit shall not always strive with man, says the Lord of Hosts.” T&C 54:5

The reason gross darkness now flows continually from the LDS Church, Fundamentalist mormons, and the many pretenders claiming to be strong and mighty is because they only seek their own vain ambitions. They undertake to cover their sins rather than to confess them. They gratify their pride, and vain ambition, by claiming they are great in God’s eyes, when they are nothing of the sort. They want to exercise control, or dominion, or compulsion, upon the souls of the children of men to further their unrighteous purposes. And therefore we can behold from their words and deeds that the Heavens have withdrawn themselves, the spirit of the Lord is grieved with them, and their pretensions to priesthood or authority have evaporated. They offer conceit and flattery, not light.

Joseph offered humility, light and truth. Hyrum was a moral man of unquestioned integrity. The LDS Church Historian’s office shamefully throws mud at both these men to uphold the wickedness of those who got control after their murders.

I know of no way to make this matter clearer than to express my contempt of those who hold Joseph and Hyrum in derision. None of their wealth or status will excuse them before God for these terrible falsehoods and false accusations. Clearly, like their ancestors, they don’t know Joseph. They never knew him.