Category: Podcast

20: Angels – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a special three part series on angels, where Denver addresses many questions including…

What are angels like? How do we interact with them? What are they here to do, and how are they different from us and from other heavenly beings? Continue reading “20: Angels – Part 2”

19: Angels – Part 1

This is Part 1 of a special three part series on angels, where Denver addresses many questions including…

What are angels like? How do we interact with them? What are they here to do, and how are they different from us and from other heavenly beings? Continue reading “19: Angels – Part 1”

18: Prayer – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a special series on Prayer, where Denver addresses many questions including… What is earnest prayer like, and what can happen as a result of crying to the Lord? Continue reading “18: Prayer – Part 2”

17: Prayer – Part 1

This is Part 1 of a special series on Prayer, where Denver addresses many questions including…

To whom do we pray? How should we pray? Why do we pray? And, what happens when we pray correctly? Continue reading “17: Prayer – Part 1”

15: Jacob’s Ladder

In this episode Denver addresses these questions. What is Jacob’s Ladder? Why did Joseph Smith refer to it as the “first principles of the gospel’’? Continue reading “15: Jacob’s Ladder”

12: Resurrection Morning

What happened on the morning of Christ’s resurrection? Today, Denver shares his eyewitness account and testimony of the events that transpired on Easter morning, along with a few thoughts on what those events mean for all of us.  Continue reading “12: Resurrection Morning”

11: Sacrament

In this episode the topic of the sacrament is addressed. What is the proper way to administer it? Who can administer it? What is the meaning of the sacrament and is there more to the symbolism that we may not always remember, but should? Continue reading “11: Sacrament”

9: Embracing Truth

In this episode Denver addresses the challenge of embracing truth and how people from various religious traditions embracing truth and the Restoration movement will affect everyone’s understanding of the scriptures and the gospel. Continue reading “9: Embracing Truth”

7: Baptism

Who needs to be baptized? Why is it so important? And what is the proper way to baptize? 

Denver answers these questions and reminds all Christian believers that authorized baptism has always been required from the days of Adam until the present, as a sign of faith and acceptance of what it is God is doing. Continue reading “7: Baptism”

6: Repentance

What is repentance? What do I need to repent of? How do I repent and what happens when I do?

Today Denver addresses the reality of repentance and what it is and what is required with clarity and simplicity. What if repentance is related to the acquisition of intelligence? Or in other words, light and truth. What if repentance requires us to worship Christ by making a living sacrifice by ministering to others with love and compassion? Or in other words, to be more like Him in word, thought and deed. Continue reading “6: Repentance”