Tag: unique

150: The Testimony of Jesus

Today Denver discusses the content and purpose behind his new book, The Testimony of Jesus: Past, Present, and Promise. The book is the culmination of five years of outreach to Christians everywhere and is now available as a hardback standalone addition to the Teachings of Denver Snuffer series of books.


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149: We’ve Lost the Argument

In this installment Denver discusses the persistent malignment of Joseph Smith and how it stacks up against the actual evidence in the historical record up to the date of his death. The discussion further addresses how, as well as why, the inaccurate narrative of Joseph Smith has been promoted and perpetuated since his death in 1844.


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124: The Foolish and the Wise

The following message was recorded by Denver Snuffer on September 27, 2020 in Sandy, Utah. It addresses those who continue to publish lies and all who hold Joseph Smith in derision. In particular, it is a warning to those directly involved in the Joseph Smith Papers project, who in Volume 9 attribute the practice of polygamy to Joseph Smith using altered and dubious documents. The lies need to be stopped and the record corrected by those involved.


123: Numbered Among

Today Denver discusses what it means to be “numbered among the House of Israel,” how the Covenant plays a role in changing people from being Gentiles into being numbered among the House of Israel and the literal seed of Jacob (and vice versa), and how this influences the message and meaning of prophecy.


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120: One Heart First

In this episode, Denver discusses the process that groups of people have followed in the past, and need to follow today, to achieve unity when working together on a project.


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115: Sabbath Day

Today, Denver answers the question, “On Mount Horeb, the Lord gave a commandment to “remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” How do we keep a day “holy?”  What does the Lord expect or desire of us in keeping this commandment? Why do we no longer worship on Saturday?”


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99: A Bag Full Of Jesus

In this episode, Denver discusses how the community of Zion will be centered around the temple, and founded upon equality, service, and the words of Christ. 


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94: Meekness & Humility, Part 2

This is the final part of a series on Meekness and Humility, which is intended to go deeper than mere words and definitions. The hope is to give you the chance to get a feel for the underlying state-of-being associated with Meekness and Humility, so you can resonate with these attributes and bring them into your life. We encourage you to pause and ponder on any examples of meekness and humility that come to mind as you listen, including nature, scriptures, and or examples from your own life. We hope these episodes are meaningful and relevant to everyone’s hope and desire for Zion.


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82: Hope, Part 3

This is the final part of a special series on Hope, in which Denver addresses the questions: “What is hope? How can hope be an anchor for the soul in times of tribulation?”


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63: Every Word, Part 2

Today, Denver continues addressing the following inquiry. “Some people believe that re-baptism, receiving the new Covenant and so forth are not necessary for them, because of their bloodlines, race, previous ordination or religion, affiliation with a tribe of Israel, etc. Some believe, that they do not need to obey all of the 10 commandments or other teachings of Christ, or that some parts of the restoration now underway are not necessary for them to accept or live by. Are there some parts that don’t apply to some people, or must every person accept every part of what is now being offered, in order to be right with God?”


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62: Every Word, Part 1

Today, Denver answers the following inquiry. “Some people believe that re-baptism, receiving the new Covenant and so forth are not necessary for them, because of their bloodlines, race, previous ordination or religion, affiliation with a tribe of Israel, etc. Some believe, that they do not need to obey all of the 10 commandments or other teachings of Christ, or that some parts of the restoration now underway are not necessary for them to accept or live by. Are there some parts that don’t apply to some people, or must every person accept every part of what is now being offered, in order to be right with God?”


Continue reading “62: Every Word, Part 1”

61: Witness in All the World

Today, Denver answers the question: Who or what is the Witness spoken of by John the Revelator, about which Joseph Smith prophesied on May 12, 1844 (just before his death), saying that Witness would be “ordained and prepared” to “preach the everlasting gospel to all nations in the last days”

…all the testimony is, that the Lord in the last days would commit the keys of the Priesthood to a witness over all people—has the Gospel of the Kingdom commenced in the last days? and will God take it from the man, until he takes him, himself? 8 I have read it precisely as the words flowed from the lips of Jesus Christ—John the Revelator saw an angel flying thro’ the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, &c. 9 the Scripture is ready to be fulfilled when great wars, famines, pestilence, great distress, judgements, &c are ready to be poured out on the Inhabitants of the Earth—John saw the angel having the holy Priesthood who should preach the everlasting gospel to all nations,—God had an angel, a special messenger, ordained, & prepared for that purpose in the last days—Woe! Woe! be to that man, or set of men, who lift up their hands against God and his Witness in these last days. 10—for they shall deceive almost the very chosen ones—my apostate enemies say that I have been a true prophet—& I had rather be a fallen true prophet, than a false prophet. (Thomas Bullock Report, 12 May 1844)

Who is the angel that is flying through the midst of heaven to have the everlasting [Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth]? Who was this Witness in the last days? 


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