The restoration was begun through Joseph Smith but was not completed. In order to complete, it must begin where it last ended. Joseph laid a foundation that has been compromised and must be respected. To respect the work done by the Lord through Joseph Smith, we first need to recover all that has been lost from that initial work.
The scriptures are the result of the best efforts of numerous volunteers to complete the labor of research and recovery to restore the Joseph Smith Revision of the Bible, the most accurate version of the Book of Mormon as Joseph intended it to read, and the most reliable account of the revelations given through Joseph. They differ in numerous ways, some of them quite significant, from existing versions of scripture.
The new leather bound version of the scriptures attempts to print sacred material in a quality that mirrors the value of the contents. The final specifications for the leather bound printing were provided to a large degree by a man who has decades of experience in handcrafted custom book-binding. He has restored many old volumes, including copies of the first edition of the Book of Mormon printed in EB Grandin’s shop.
Samples of the leather bound options will be available to inspect during the upcoming conference in Boise.
We hope to continue on with the Lord’s guidance, to allow Him to complete the restoration, and fulfill His covenants with the fathers. I intend to address that topic in the upcoming conference in Boise.
Scripture Ordering Choices
The link I put up yesterday about the leather edition of the scriptures will only allow special-order for a limited time, with delivery of the entire order expected in early 2020.
The website has added a significant volume of new content to help those who are ordering new leather scriptures. It is designed to allow a person to learn about each cover type, as well as the process for making the leather-bound edition.
During the Special Order window that will last only until October 15th, a wide variety of choices of multiple colors and cover types will be available, with pictures and explanations available on Most sets are $99, which includes delivery within the USA.
As to the pricing, although the price may seem to be unbelievably low for books of this outstanding quality, it is because much of the development and production of these scriptures has been subsidized by volunteers who have made generous donations of time and money, and because the Restoration Scriptures Foundation does NOT seek to earn a profit from providing the scriptures. Although many of the hard costs involved with making these scriptures are already known, some variable costs such as freight, packaging, and postage cannot be known until the time when an order is actually delivered. Those costs have been estimated and included in the order price. In the event of a shortfall because the price was set too low, several generous people have offered to help cover it. However, in the event the price produces an overage after all orders have been filled, the plan is to donate it to the temple fund. It is my understanding that it is likely the shortfall or overage will be less than $100 on the entire special order of a minimum of 1,400 books.
For those planning to attend next week’s General Conference in Boise, ID, there will be a Leather Scriptures Booth, where you will be able to see and hold the various prototypes. Once you place an order an email confirmation of your order will be sent to you.
The preferred payment method is check or money order, to avoid the processing fees associated with credit card transactions. Especially for orders of $500 or more, they ask that you consider completing your checkout using the “check or money order” payment method, then drop a check for the total amount in the mail to the address on your order confirmation email.
Ordering Scriptures
It is now possible to order a leather-bound, 100% cotton paper set of scriptures through this website: Scriptures.Shop
The opportunity to order will last until October 15th, and then the order will be placed with the printer. It is likely there will be another future printing, but when (and even if) that happens is unknown.
The printer will produce all the copies in a single order. We must purchase that order and pay for it, because the printer is not producing these in a print-on-demand process. There will be a single printing of a set number. The number will depend on the quantity of orders that are placed.
Paperback versions will remain print-on-demand and available for purchase at any time. It is only the leather-bound version that is special order and limited quantity.
The link provided above will provide you with the other information and instructions on how to place an order.
I am very grateful for all the labor provided by the many volunteers to make these possible. I also want to thank in advance all those who will be handling the shipping and distribution that will be involved in finishing this process.
September 2019 Conference
September 20-22, 2019 in Boise, Idaho there will be a conference held. The theme of the conference is Keeping the Covenant.
Information and schedule are at this website, which will be updated between now and the conference: Keeping the Covenant General Conference.
The variety of events has expanded over the last few years. Although some parts of the conference are broadcast over the Internet, and others are recorded for later listening, break-out sessions are not always available unless you attend.
Come meet new people, and renew friendships at this event.
Paperback Scriptures
Some of the Restoration Edition scriptures are now available for purchase in paperback format. Please go to for more information. is still a work in progress. Only some of the volumes and options are available right now, with more coming available as Ingram completes the on boarding process. There are 36 different variations (18 paperbacks, 18 hardcovers) that will ultimately be available. The process of getting them all posted and live will probably take 2-3 more weeks.
Cornerstone and Center Stake
On February 15, 1841 Joseph Smith signed an authorization for Hyrum Smith and Isaac Garland to act as agents for the church. Among other things the authorization mentions that Nauvoo was “the corner stone of Zion.” JSP, Documents Vol. 8, page 46.
In a letter to the saints abroad, published May 24, 1841, Joseph urged all saints to gather to Nauvoo, Illinois “without delay.” It said, “This is important, and should be attended to by all who feel an interest in the prosperity of this the corner stone of Zion.” Id., p. 156.
To make the point that Nauvoo was where the saints were to gather as the center point, the letter announced that all stakes were dissolved, excepting only the ones in Nauvoo and across the Mississippi River in Iowa:
“Let it therefore be understood, that all the stakes, excepting those in this country, and in Lee county, Iowa, are discontinued, and the saints instructed to settle in this county as soon as circumstances will permit.” Id.
Of course, three years later locations were changing again. Joseph looked much further westward to establish the center stake and corner stone for Zion. Somewhere in the western Rocky Mountains where a New Jerusalem would be built. Joseph was slain before he could take that journey. Therefore, that location has yet to be revealed.
Bad History
When the LDS Historian’s Office writes about history they are prone to both troubling equivocation and unjustified dogmatism. They do not, however, make forthright admissions about how little evidence exists for some traditions. In the recent Joseph Smith Papers, Documents Vol. 8, the following is in the Introduction:
“Another, more controversial doctrine that developed in 1841 was plural marriage. Although no documents in this volume will address it, later documents attest that Joseph Smith married two plural wives during the months covered in this volume. Joseph Smith’s understanding of plural marriage seems to have developed over time, perhaps beginning as early as 1831 in Kirtland. There is evidence that Smith began discussing with close associates some form of plural marriage in the early 1830s and that he first married a plural wife, Fanny Alger, sometime in the mid-1830s. However, Smith did not begin practicing it extensively until the church was headquartered in Nauvoo. It appears that plural marriage was part of a broader restoration of Old Testament concepts and practices that included covenants, priesthoods, and temples. Although he had already been married to his wife Emma for fourteen years, Joseph Smith privately married Louisa Beman on 5 April 1841 and Zina Huntington Jacobs on 27 October 1841.” JSP Documents, Vol. 8, February – November 1841, emphasis added.
There are no contemporary documents that definitively address this. No talks, no letters, no evidence traceable to Joseph Smith. They write there “seems to have” “perhaps” been something “sometime” earlier and “it appears” something may have been afoot. All ambiguous language, and yet, this ambiguity is followed by the absolute, clear, unequivocal assertion regarding two 1841 plural marriages.
For the statement about these two 1841 marriages, footnote 84 on page xxxiii cites to the affidavit book Joseph F. Smith gathered in 1869. Both affidavits were signed 28 years after these purported marriages took place.
In the Chronology for the book, on page 397, the entry for April 5, 1841 states Joseph B. Noble sealed Joseph to Beman. On page 399, the entry for October 27, 1841 states Demick Huntington sealed Joseph to Jacobs. The support for these entries is footnote 84 on page xxxiii.
They should have omitted any mention about a subject for which there is no contemporary proof. Instead, they make assumptions based on affidavits composed twenty-eight year later. Those affidavits were written while there were pending legal issues threatening to imprison LDS leaders and confiscate LDS church property. It would be better to remain silent, rather than advocate as a reliable fact what is dubious at best.
Why not admit there is no contemporary proof? Why not say nothing at the time proved Joseph entered into either of these purported marriages? Why not say that twenty-eight years later two women in Utah signed affidavits while lawsuits were pending and threatened? That would be a better telling of the history.
Always a Strange Act
When Christ taught, many did not believe Him. In fact, He was not worthy of their notice. The people were devoted to the Sanhedrin, the Chief Priests, Rabbis, the Pharisee and Sadducee leaders. The only notice most of the religious people took of Christ was to regard Him as a troublemaker.
Christ did not make the effort to be understood by the leading religious figures. Instead, He obscured His teachings, which prevented the leaders from awakening to His message. This caused the disciples to inquire why He did not make it easier for them to recognize and accept Him as the Messiah.
NC Matt. 7:2-3: “Then the disciples came and said unto him, Why do you speak unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given; for whoever receives, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance. But whoever continues not to receive, from him shall be taken away even that he has. Therefore, I speak to them in parables because they seeing, see not, and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah concerning them, which says, By hearing you shall hear and shall not understand, and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive; for this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their hearts, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. And blessed are you because these things have come unto you that you might understand them. And truly I say unto you, many righteous prophets have desired to see these days which you see, and have not seen them, and to hear that which you hear, and have not heard.”
When the Lord begins a new dispensation, anyone can recognize Christ’s “strange act,” and only a few ever do. Why doesn’t Christ make the effort to assure that everyone “sees” and “hears?” Why does Christ accept the reality that only a few will ever “understand?” If you want to be “healed,” what obligation does that impose on you?
The greatest irony of all is that “many righteous prophets have desired to see” the historic moments when the Lord’s great work takes place, but the religious people who live in those moments ignore it. They lack eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand.
This never changes. The test is underway, and it is no different than the test the Lord always requires mankind to take. Few there be who pass it.
New Talk
A talk I gave in Montgomery Alabama is now available for anyone interested to hear on the Christian Reformation website. The talk is linked below:
June 27, 1844
Today is the anniversary of the deaths of Hyrum and Joseph Smith. It comes at the annual cycle when light begins to dim. A great eclipse of light happened on that day. What was left has proven inadequate to allow the restoration to be completed.
We are now 175 years past that tragedy. Between that day and today fools, knaves, pretenders, and ambitious men have rushed forward offering themselves as replacement “prophets, seers, revelators, translators, presidents and God’s spokesmen.” But reviving the restoration requires more than vanity and self-proclaiming profiteers.
Even in the most successful organizations that exploit the name and memory of Hyrum and Joseph it should be apparent that something absolutely necessary was gone when the two brothers were slain. Yet fortunes continue to accumulate and abuse of one another spreads wide and far among the pseudo-followers of Hyrum and Joseph Smith.
Joseph’s last dream of a dilapidated and neglected farm he would no longer claim has surely come to pass. Angry men with “knives” in hand certainly now fight over it.
Truer words were never spoken than when Joseph declared to the Nauvoo crowd they never knew him. The descendants of that group share in that first generation’s ignorance of that man.
Joseph was an honorable, honest and virtuous man to whom the pure in heart, wise, noble and virtuous seek constantly for counsel, authority and blessings. Only fools hold him in derision.
Youth Conference
A Conference for youth ages 12-18 is planned for August 3-4. Information and registration is available here:
The Conference theme is taken from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians: “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice; and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even for Christ’s sake God hath forgiven you.” (Ephesians 1:12)
Boise Joseph Smith Restoration Conference
The Restoration Conference held last weekend was very good. I thought every talk was worth hearing. It was well attended, and everyone who was able to participate gained something.
The Conference proceedings are now available on YouTube at these links: Morning Session talks. Afternoon Session talks.
For anyone who missed the Conference, these links allow you to view the proceedings.
JUNE 6, 1944
75 years ago the Allies opened a northern assault on the Third Reich on the beaches of Normandy, France. Thousands died during the early hours of the effort. Stepping over the bodies of fallen comrades, the Allied forces pressed forward against entrenched Nazi positions. Those violent 24 hours changed the course of the Second World War and the course of history. It was accomplished by ordinary men, fighting against their fears and desire to live, who committed to do their duty no matter the price.
My father was among those who landed on Omaha Beach that morning. Each June 6th my thoughts turn to him and that perilous day now 75 years behind us. I am grateful to him and all his comrades who defeated the great evil of that day. They preserved the freedom we now enjoy. The events on that date should never be forgotten.
John the Baptist went before Christ and he baptized those who believed his message. Because the Jews were already baptizing, John’s ordinance seemed unnecessary. The Pharisees took offense because they thought their form of baptism was sufficient to provide salvation. But Christ taught that any time a new dispensation of the gospel commences, the obligation to be baptized into that dispensation is required by heaven.
NC Matt. 4:10: “Then said the Pharisees unto him, Why will you not receive us with our baptism, seeing we keep the whole law? But Jesus said unto them, You keep not the law. If you had kept the law, you would have received me, for I am he that gave the law. I receive not you with your baptism because it profits you nothing, for when that which is new has come, the old is about to be put away; for no man puts a piece of new cloth on an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up takes from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles, else the bottles break, and the wine runs out, and the bottles perish. But they put new wine into new bottles and both are preserved.”
When a new dispensation has begun, like now, baptism is required. This is the only way you can demonstrate that you “hear His voice” and are willing to heed His word. This is why rebaptism was taking place in Christ’s day. Anyone anyplace in the world can make arrangements to be baptized through the website
Restoration Conference
On Saturday, June 8th at the Boise State University Student Union Building another Restoration Conference will take place. Speakers will come from various “Restoration” groups/denominations. This is the second year for this conference.
All are invited. The purpose is not to evangelize or convert attendees, but rather to understand one another and seek common ground. As part of the event participants will also worship through hymns and music, and are invited to a fellowshipping potluck dinner after the conference at a local park.
The room for the event is the Simplot Ballroom in the Student Union Building, beginning at 10 am.