Author: Denver
April 2024 Conference
The conference organizers have asked that I put this announcement up about next April’s conference:
Due to a number of factors and influences, the April 2024 Eclipse Conference that had been scheduled for the Kirtland, Ohio area has been moved to the Upstate New York area. The dates of the conference remain April 6-8, 2024 with the event beginning Saturday afternoon and concluding Monday late afternoon with the eclipse. While the details are still being finalized, we can inform you that the activities will mainly take place in the cradle of the restoration. The closest international airport would be Rochester, New York, with Syracuse also an option. Given the eclipse activity, lodging should be acquired as soon as possible, if you plan on attending the conference. The event website is found at
I’ve been asked to speak and agreed to do so. Seven years ago I gave a talk, The Holy Order. That was near the time of the Solar Eclipse that crossed North America in 2017. The working title for the talk for next April’s conference is “The Holy Order, Part 2.” I’ve been working on the first draft of it for over a month and think the upcoming second Solar Eclipse that will also cross North America is a suitable occasion for the talk. Anyone who plans to attend should be familiar with the material in the first Holy Order talk, as it will not repeat the information. It will build upon the first part.
The two eclipses cross the United States from coast to coast, forming a great “X” in their pathways.
The interview I did with Michelle Stone is now available and linked here: Episode 81: Truth at all Costs
Desolating Sickness
“And in that generation shall the times of the gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be men standing in that generation that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge, for a desolating sickness shall cover the land. But my disciples shall stand in holy places and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices, and curse God, and die.” T&C 31:7–March 7, 1831.
It has been nearly two centuries since that prophecy. Fortunately, the United States has had an effective public health system that has eliminated polio, smallpox, malaria and other diseases that have decimated other populations. In his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies,
Jared M. Diamond describes the desolation of the Americas by smallpox when European settlers arrived. That single disease destroyed the Aztec empire, killing an estimated 40% in a single year. The Inca empire was likewise decimated by the same disease. Jared Diamond estimates that 20 million Great Plains natives of North America were killed by smallpox.
Inoculations and public health programs eliminated smallpox and there are only two repositories of the virus stored in the United States at the Center for Disease Control, and in Russia at the State Centre for Research on Virology and Biotechnology. If it is turned into a bioweapon it could result in a significant number of deaths.
Polio is also a disease that was eradicated from the United States. However, last year a case of polio was found in New York.
Dengue fever is a tropical disease that has not typically been a problem in the United States. However, this year cases have been reported in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Hawaii.
Malaria has also returned to Texas and Florida. And there is a local outbreak of leprosy also in Florida. There was a time when the United States guarded public health by requiring a physical examination of those entering the country from places known to potentially carry diseases, and to treat them before they were released into the general population. Today that is a thing of the past.
People are entering the United States from every part of the world. They are being bused from the border states to other locations throughout the nation.
We have been warned since 1831 about a coming desolating sickness to cover the land. However, with an effective national health infrastructure that made the prophecy seem unlikely to ever be fulfilled. It is increasingly more likely that neglect of wise precautions will make it inevitable. When the times of the gentiles has been fulfilled, that single generation of people will witness it happen.
The silver lining to the prophecy is that the Lord’s disciples will have holy places and will not be moved by the desolation.
Collapse of Society
In the Book of Mormon there is a description of events that led to the failure and collapse of the Nephite society. There was a long prelude of decreasing faithfulness, loss of faith, and increased focus on material wealth. But the final collapse happened quickly. Here is the description from Helaman 3:1:
“seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness, and those Gaddianton robbers filling the judgment seats, having usurped the power and authority of the land, laying aside the commandments of God and not in the least aright before him, doing no justice unto the children of men, condemning the righteous because of their righteousness, letting the guilty and the wicked go unpunished because of their money; and moreover, to be held in office at the head of government, to rule and do according to their wills, that they might get gain and glory of the world; and moreover, that they might the more easy commit adultery, and steal, and kill, and do according to their own wills — now this great iniquity had come upon the Nephites in the space of not many years —”
The judicial system and government positions were targeted by wicked office-holders. When they gained authority, they decided to uphold friends and suppress others. It did not matter that the wicked were allowed to go unpunished. What mattered more was to punish the righteous in order to prevent them from interfering with the goal of control.
They intended to impose their self-will as government policy. That way the government would not interfere with their indulgence, adultery, theft, killing and perversity.
Once they succeeded, the result was predictable destruction. The Book of Mormon tells an interesting tale, and ought to serve as a warning to us. In fact, it was intended specifically to be a warning to us. The Book of Mormon was written to inform us that once we inherited the land, we were to submit to God’s purpose for the land. As the text cautions us:
“And now we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God or they shall be swept off when the fullness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fullness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity. For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands. Wherefore, he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off, for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fullness of iniquity among the children of the land that they are swept off. And this cometh unto you, O ye gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God, that ye may repent and not continue in your iniquities until the fullness be come, that ye may not bring down the fullness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land hath hitherto done. Behold, this is a choice land; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under Heaven if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who has been manifested by the things which we have written.” NC Ether 1:7
There are always ambitious, wicked men and women who seek for positions in government so they can wield power over others. That sort of person has succeeded on this land (the Americas) before. When they have, the society they rule in wickedness has been destroyed. This lesson and warning has been given to us in a book claiming to be a “gift from God” in order to allow us to repent rather than remaining in our iniquities. The condition required is that we serve, or obey, Jesus Christ. It is His land we occupy. We are merely guests.
Because the United States elects its government, our votes matter. As the Proverbs remind us: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn.” Here, we collectively get the government we collectively deserve.
Reforming any government begins by reforming the people of the nation. The solution to almost all of society’s problems can be found through repentance and obedience to God. It is never too late to repent. Except, of course, once our society becomes ripe in iniquity.
Finding Truth is Challenging
It is challenging to find the truth. It should be. We should have the very gates of hell beckoning us into a false path more or less continually, so that we become skilled in determining truth from error. If we do not face constant invites into error, then we cannot polish our skill at prizing the truth.
William Marks was the Nauvoo Stake President from 1839 to 1844. He was in that position when Joseph and Hyrum were murdered. Commenting on the uproar involving plural wives and Joseph Smith, William Marks explained Joseph Smith said the following to him:
‘We are a ruined people.’ I asked, how so? He said: ‘This doctrine of polygamy or Spiritual wife system, that has been taught and practiced among us, will prove our destruction and overthrow. I have been deceived,’ said he, ‘in reference to its practice; it is wrong; it is a curse to mankind, and we shall have to leave the United States soon, unless it can be put down, and its practice stopped in the church. Now’ said he, “Brother Marks, you have not received this doctrine, and how glad I am. I want you to go into the high council, and I will have charges preferred against all who practice this doctrine, and I want you to try them by the laws of the church, and cut them off, if they will not repent, and cease the practice of this doctrine; and’ said he, ‘I will go into the stand, and preach against it, with all my might, and in this way we may rid the church of this damnable heresy.’
This is a well-known quote. Based on what I now understand about this topic, when Joseph said, “I have been deceived in reference to its practice” it is evident to me now that he was deceived by leading church authorities who were trying to practice it in secret.
I also believe that when Joseph said polygamy “will prove our destruction and overthrow” he was not talking about the 1840s. I believe it was a prophecy being fulfilled today; right now. It is the topic that will destroy and overthrow the LDS church.
It will overthrow the LDS church because they teach that Joseph Smith lied publicly to hide his adultery. Make no mistake, under the then-existing laws, the practice was adultery. It was a crime. Therefore, the LDS church is claiming it was founded by a criminal, who lied publicly. It just does not fit the moral character expected of us by God.
Testimonies are being destroyed and confidence in the restoration is being lost because of this lie connecting Joseph Smith to something he fought, denounced, and said would lead to hell.
Here is a link to a new presentation that everyone ought to consider. It is less than an hour, and lays the matter out clearly: Joseph Smith was not the author of D&C 132
The thing about liars is that they lie. Joseph Smith did not lie about this part of his history. But the LDS church did, and has consistently lied about numerous other matters involving their history. Their lies are causing an out-migration that seems to be accelerating. That is something tragic for them, for society, for Utah, Idaho, Arizona and California. Latter-day Saints make good citizens and good neighbors. When disaffected members depart, they often become far less benign. All of society is harmed.
I wish the LDS leaders would see what is happening and tell a more truthful account of their history. Joseph Smith does not deserve to have them claim to be his greatest legacy. They are Brigham Young’s and not Joseph’s.
Sunstone Talk
I’ve put up the paper I presented yesterday at the Sunstone Symposium. You can go to the downloads and look up the title, or click this link: A Fountain of Filthy Water
Produced a “perfect abortion”
As I mentioned in an earlier post (June 24, 2018), after the experiences in the early common-stock companies, and in community efforts in Kirtland, Ohio, Independence, and Far West, Missouri, Joseph Smith ended any attempts at consecration. In a council meeting on March 6, 1840 in Montrose, Iowa Territory, he announced to the church the Lord rescinded consecration:
“He said that the Law of consecration could not be kept here, & that it was the will of the Lord that we should desist from trying to keep it, & if persisted in it would produce a perfect abortion, & that he assumed the whole responsibility of not keeping it untill proposed by himself.” (JS Papers, Documents Vol. 7, p. 215, emphasis added, all spelling as in original.)
Despite this counsel, when the lumber mission in Black River Falls, Wisconsin was operated, the church members determined they would have all things in common. The purpose of their mission was to provide lumber for use in building the Nauvoo Temple and Nauvoo House. Their experience is described in a letter written February 15, 1844:
“Since we have been here lumbering we have had many difficulties to encounter, but the main hindrance to our Successful opperations was the feeding, clothing and transporting of a great many lazy, idle men who have not produced any thing by their pretended labor, and thus eating up all that the diligent and honest could produce by their unceasing application to labor & we have not yet got entirely clear of such like persons.” (JS Papers, Documents Vol. 14, p. 180, all spelling as in original.)
From a common-sense point of view, during Joseph Smith’s lifetime the believers never got beyond the early start-up steps of building a community. Never. Not in any of the communities established by those early believers.
That outcome is always inevitable because there are always losses with any start-up venture. Years of losses precede any “excess” being produced. When there are losses from beginning operations, it is extraordinarily unwise to increase losses by adding unproductive people whose needs exceed their ability to contribute to the already needy community. That adds to the likelihood of complete community collapse and failure.
Common sense would suggest that the early inevitable losses be incurred by those who can bear them, and that only after the community has succeeded in producing an excess can those who need assistance be helped with the produced excess.
The ultimate objective of the ‘pine mission’ was to produce a completed Nauvoo Temple and Nauvoo House. Neither were completed. There was an earlier promise for Zion in Jackson County, Missouri. That earlier promise was forfeited because the saints polluted the ground: “Behold, I say unto you, there were jarrings, and contentions, and envyings, and strifes, and lustful and covetous desires among them; therefore, by these things they polluted their inheritances.” (T&C 101:2.) Accordingly, their enemies were allowed power over them, and they were driven away, ultimately out of Missouri altogether.
The later promise made by the Lord in Nauvoo was that the Lord would not allow the Jackson County failure to be repeated. The Lord would intervene and prevent them from being driven out. But it was conditioned on their conduct: “But if they will not hearken to my voice, nor unto the voice of these men whom I have appointed, they shall not be blessed, because they pollute my holy grounds, and my holy ordinances and charters, and my holy words which I give unto them. And it shall come to pass that if you build a house unto my name and do not do the things that I say, I will not perform the oath which I make unto you, neither fulfill the promises which you expect at my hands, says the Lord. For instead of blessings, you, by your own works, bring cursings, wrath, indignation, and judgments upon your own heads, by your follies and by all your abominations which you practice before me, says the Lord.” (T&C 141:14.)
Not only was the effort to build the Nauvoo Temple a ‘perfect abortion’ so too was the effort to bring the people back to God’s presence. Their abominations increased: lying, adultery, dishonesty, and false accusations directed at both Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum.
They were asked to “build a house unto my name for the Most High to dwell therein. For there is not place found on the earth that he may come and restore again that which was lost unto you, or which he has taken away, even the fullness of the Priesthood.” (T&C 141:10.) That return of the fullness didn’t happen. Hasn’t happened. And if we are given a commandment to build a temple for the Most High to dwell in, it will be a privilege not a burden. It should be greeted as an opportunity, not as an unwelcome responsibility.
For us, worrying about consecrating, and gathering, and some dreamy future filled with excess enjoyed by a group-effort is not only naive, it is a devilish mirage that omits the sacrifices, labor, grueling hard work to be done in a fallen world that will first be required to reclaim and redeem the land. Eden will not return until the effects on nature have been remedied by faithful husbandmen cultivating the earth. She “will yield [her] increase, and you will flourish upon the mountains and upon the hills,” (T&C 158:14) but only after she again “may rest, and righteousness for a season abide upon [her] face.” (NC Gen. 4:20.) Righteousness upon the face of the earth will precede her ‘yielding her increase’ for the righteous. That will be up to those who are on the earth’s mountains and hills.
So far, the ‘perfect abortion’ of the early saints does not appear to be reversed. But it can be. We can, by our heed and diligence give place in our hearts to a kindly God asking us to incline our hearts toward Him, and allow His words to cleanse the inner man. We won’t have a redeemed earth until we first have redeemed people living upon her. THAT is the present work. It is internal to each of us.
Just like the earth in its fallen state, our hearts and minds are filled with briars, weeds, noxious plants, troubling insects, and predatory animals within. Cleansing the inner vessel comes first.
Interview Friday
I did an interview on Friday with a YouTube interviewer, Michelle Stone. When she puts the interview up on her channel I will put a link to it here.
Sunstone Prices
I got an email reminding me that the Sunstone ticket cost of $75.00 per day can be lessened if you plan to attend only a single session. For that, you can pay $20.00 at the door and attend that single session.
Sunstone does not pay me, as a presenter, for my talk. (I don’t know if there are others who are paid to present at Sunstone.)
June 27, 1844
The martyrdom…
If his life was of no value to his friends…
They never knew him…
His name has been spoken for both good and bad…
No one need suppose him guilty of any great or malignant sins…
Fools hold him in derision…
The pure in heart gladly seek his counsel…
The wise and noble seek his counsel…
The virtuous seek his counsel…
God’s people have never been turned against him by the false testimony of traitors…
Returning to Sunstone
I will be returning to the 2023 Sunstone Symposium. This year’s Symposium is addressing the topic: “[Main] Streaming Mormonism” I will present a talk titled: Main Stream: A “Fountain of Filthy Water”
The event will begin on Thursday, July 27 and the current schedule has my talk set for Saturday, July 29th beginning at 4:25 pm. My talk is described as follows: “Nephi’s vision of the tree of life included a river fed by a ‘fountain of filthy water.’ Throughout the Book of Mormon the quest for popularity is condemned. The values of the mainstream are assumed to be opposed to godliness. The LDS gravitation toward popularity has increasingly come at the price of abandoning Joseph Smith’s original. This presentation will contrast those opposing directions.”
For anyone interested in attending, the link to the symposium schedule from their website is available here: 2023 Sunstone Symposium schedule
It will take place at the Southtown Exposition Center in Sandy, Utah, which has now been renamed “Mountain America Expo Center” located at 9575 South State Street in Sandy.
I hope to give an interesting talk.
Dubious Sources
When using dubious sources, historians make mistakes. Even if someone has a position or an apparent basis to presume credibility, it does not mean they are reliable. Many of those close to Joseph Smith had reasons to tell stories decades after Joseph’s death. They would use him as the source to support what they were then doing, saying or believing. They borrowed his name and therefore his credibility for their agenda.
Deseret Book is publishing a book through their subsidiary Cedar Fort, Inc. and selling in their stores. One could conclude that this book is bona fide because the LDS church is the owner of the publishing company. That book is titled: Hour of God’s Judgment: Joseph Smith’s Paradigm of the Last Days. It is written by Vern Grosvenor Swanson. I’ve never met him (to the best of my knowledge) and I’ve certainly never been interviewed by him, or provided him with any information for his book.
In Appendix II of Mr. Swanson’s book there is an entry for 28 September 2015 that states: “Call out to tent cities. Erstwhile Latter-day Saint, Julie Rowe in her books, A Greater tomorrow: My Journey Beyond the Veil and The Time is Now, and her many Latter-day Saint Firesides and interviews (especially on KUED, SLC); and excommunicated Denver Snuffer, et. al., proclaim that the “Call Out” will occur in late September and for safety we will have to flee to tent cities. …” As far as this attributes anything to me, it is utterly untrue.
I have NEVER said anything like what is attributed to me in this book. I have never met, talked with, or corresponded with Julie Rowe nor have I read anything she has written. I know nothing more about her other than what others have remarked in my presence. I do not base any opinion about someone relying on second-hand sources. Therefore, I cannot say anything about what she has said. But I’ve never joined her in saying anything about tent cities.
I mention this only to point out that in 200 years, a careful researcher may stumble onto this false statement and rely on the LDS owned publisher to accept the falsehood as true. If so, the researcher will be led into error by accepting bogus nonsense as true.
September 28, 2015 I was at work, and during the day I got an update about progress on a website prepared by volunteers that was then ready to go live and be accessed by the public. I wrote a post on that date and provided a link to the website. It allowed people to request baptism, and a volunteer would travel to them free of charge to perform the ordinance. I said nothing on that day, or any other day, about “tent cities” or something termed the “Call Out.” I’m not sure I know what that is. I have heard second-hand there was a group called AVOW advocating that idea. My understanding it that they had a pay-to-view website advocating a “Call Out” and tent cities, etc. I think their name is an acronym for A Voice of Warning (AVOW). But as I never saw or read anything from their organization I cannot be sure of that. I did a quick search on DuckDuckGo and found a website:, which appears to be them. If so, they still exist.
This is going afield. The point of this is that there is one demonstrably false attribution about me found in a book published by a subsidiary of Deseret Book and sold in the LDS Deseret Book bookstores. Likewise, there are numerous other false attributions about me made on discussion boards, in symposiums and articles written about me. I do not take the time to correct them all. That would be a full-time job and I don’t really care enough to bother.
Think about those sworn affidavits, sermons, newspaper articles and Journal of Discourses talks attributing things to Joseph Smith years, even decades, after his death. Why trust them? After all, he was misquoted while he was alive. He and Sidney Rigdon both denounced the “Happiness Letter” and yet it appears as his in the Teachings of Joseph Smith and in the Joseph Smith Papers as if he were the author. It has been quoted in General Conferences of the LDS church. Rob Fotheringham did a video that addressed that letter in his recently released Defending the Prophet Joseph: Martha Brotherington Affidavit and The Happiness Letter. If Joseph’s own denial is ignored by the LDS church as well as the historians writing both “orthodox” and polemic histories about Joseph, then you can know for certain the authors are perpetuating falsehoods about him. As the Lord informed Joseph: “The ends of the earth shall inquire after your name, and fools shall have you in derision, and hell shall rage against you, while the pure in heart, and the wise, and the noble, and the virtuous shall seek counsel, and authority, and blessings constantly from under your hand. And your people shall never be turned against you by the testimony of traitors[.]” T&C 139:7
Although it imposes some effort on us, when studying the restoration generally, and Joseph Smith particularly, we should avoid trusting dubious sources.
79 Years Ago
Today is the anniversary of D-Day. 79 years ago on June 6, 1944 on the beaches of Normandy the American, Canadian and British forces landed to confront fortified German positions. It was given the name “The Longest Day” which became the title of a movie in 1962.
There are few survivors of that day still living. We cannot keep them here. But we ought not allow memory of that event to fade. When we forget what was required to undo established totalitarianism we risk letting it return. It is far easier to prevent than to overthrow.
Right now the great prize in the war against mankind’s freedom is the government of the United States. If the government here fails to protect freedom the entire world is in jeopardy. As John Adams explained: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Our scriptures counsel: “honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men you should observe to uphold; otherwise, whatever is less than these comes of evil.” T&C 98:2
As American morality declines, so too does civility, order, peace and focus on the protection of freedoms. Stirring up the public to distraction over trivial matters, raising false accusations about others, and shouting at rather than listening to one another allows wicked men and women to be elected to office.
There are serious, even critical issues that face America. They deserve careful, difficult consideration and an open exchange of ideas. They are not receiving the attention needed for intelligent choices to be made. Fools excite arguments about matters of little significance, and are popularly elected because of inflamed passions of the electorate.
Our Constitution was not only made for a moral and religious people, but also for a thoughtful and deliberate people who are capable of careful consideration of serious matters.
On D-Day young people, including many teens, rushed into artillery and machine-gun fire because of their dedication to preserving freedom. Over 150,000 of them arrived to fight that day, and thousands of them would die before the morning ended. Devotion, faith, discipline, love of country, love or fellow-man, determination and honor were on display that day.
Does the United States today produce those qualities in teens? If not, can that be changed?
This Weekend’s Conference
This weekend’s conference was well organized and beneficial to all who attended. I owe the organizers another grateful mention. They innovated and I think it worked well.
Also, in answering a question today I got the author right (Thomas Wolfe) but the title of his book wrong. It should have been Bonfire of the Vanities, and I said it was Breakfast of Champions. Breakfast of Champions was written by Kurt Vonnegut.
Saw some familiar faces, but a lot of new ones too. That was good. Although I think numbers do not matter, and in some respects increased numbers come with increased problems, the growth of interest and participation is obviously welcome. What we are doing has long ago been prophesied.
One final reflection: Sometimes I think having a “native cheery temperament” is not altogether a good thing.