Tag: vain ambition

Mosiah 3: 18

The angel declares unequivocally that Christ “judges.” Not men, not authorities. Christ “judges.” Men who fancy themselves empowered to judge others deceive themselves. Judgment of others is not permitted. (Matt. 7: 1.) Even the Lord’s twelve disciples were told they were not to judge others, but would be trusted to announce Christ’s judgment. (3 Ne. 27: 27.) Christ is the only judge. He is the only keeper of the gate. (2 Ne. 9: 41.) When men substitute their own judgment for Christ’s, they condemn themselves and do nothing to alter the one they judge before Christ. (Matt. 7: 2.) When men act as if they are Christ, substituting their own judgment for His, they govern others by their own light and not the Lord’s. These things are condemned. (2 Ne. 26: 29.)

The Lord alone is judge. Hence the angel saying to King Benjamin: “For behold he judgeth,” and adding quickly “and his judgement is just.” (Mosiah 3: 18.) You don’t need to fear an unjust judge, nor a partial and imperious man who is looking to magnify his ego or vain ambition (D&C 121: 37.) Their judgments can never displace Christ “For behold He judgeth,” according to the words of the angel to King Benjamin.

Because He alone can judge, those who condemn little children who He has redeemed are substituting their own judgment for His. They are calling His great work of redemption incomplete and inadequate to accomplish the redemption of children. Such men “drink damnation to their own souls” because they will be judged by the standard they have established. (Matt. 7: 2.) They must not only retract their unjust judgment, but must also become like those whom they condemn. “Except they humble themselves and become as little children” they will be lost. (Mosiah 3: 18.)

The angel reminds King Benjamin (and us) there is only one source for salvation. It “was, and is, and is to come, in and through the atoning blood of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent.” (Id.) If you lack salvation, it is because you looked elsewhere to find it, and if you receive it, then you necessarily have come to Christ.

All the judgments of men, all the plans and schemes of men, all the pretenses and arrogance of men will not secure salvation for any soul. Salvation comes from Christ alone.

If you or I were ever to judge another man, the standard to apply is singular: It is Christ’s standard. Either He reveals His judgment to you, and you announce what His judgment, or He does not. If He does not, then the choice is to either refrain from judging (which is safe), or to show mercy and forgiveness (which is safer still), but never condemn. The Lord alone has the right to condemn. For us to condemn anyone the Lord has forgiven is a mockery of His atonement, no less than condemning little children whom the Lord also has forgiven.

This lecture by the angel to King Benjamin is filled with wisdom and light. We are so much the better for having it available for us to study.