Tag: true points of his doctrine

3 Nephi 21: 5-6

3 Nephi 21: 5-6:

“Therefore, when these works and the works which shall be wrought among you hereafter shall come forth from the Gentiles, unto your seed which shall dwindle in unbelief because of iniquity;  For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel;”

Now keep in mind this is all within a “sign” Christ is telling to the Nephites. It is a “sign” of when the great latter-day work will begin to unfold.
What are “these works” referred to by Christ? Was it necessary for the “works which shall be wrought among you hereafter” to be included in the “works” the gentiles were to receive? Why? Why would the gentiles need to know of the great success and ultimate failure of Nephite faith? The greatest time in the Nephite history would be after Christ’s visit, when they lived a united order. But the harrowing end described by Mormon and Moroni shows a depth of shocking evil. The violence, killing, cannibalism are disgusting to read and consider. Why did Christ want the “works which shall be wrought among you hereafter” to be included for the gentiles to have before them? What lessons would we not learn without these subsequent portions of the Nephite record?
Why do (from Christ’s vantage point)/did (from our vantage point) the records need to come “from the gentiles?” And how did that “show forth [the Father’s] power unto the gentiles?”  What about the restoration was a visible display of the Father’s power? Latter-day Saints have a “testimony” of the restoration, but gentiles seem unimpressed. The missionary effort among Americans today is nearly at a standstill. There are about as many people slipping into inactivity, or asking for their names to be removed as there are people volunteering to join at the present. So how is the restoration a display of “the Father’s power” to the gentiles?
Does the Father use “small means” to display His power? (1 Nephi 16: 29; Alma 37: 6.) Is it possible for the Father to show forth His power and for people to miss it entirely? What kind of “power” is missed by those who reject it?
If they do not reject it, notice what the “Father’s power” may lead the gentiles to receive:
-knowledge of the true points of Christ’s doctrine,
-being numbered among Christ’s people, even Israel.
But if not, then they will be swept away by their own wickedness and violence.
Now it may not be appreciably “powerful” when the gentiles receive the Book of Mormon. But if they repent, and are baptized, and come to know the true points of His doctrine, how great a change will take place? How great a show of power is it when the only ones at peace are those who dwell in Zion? (D&C 45: 68-71.)
It is clear the Lord will only gather to Zion in the great day of calamity those who had previously seen in His “small means” the path to safety and redemption.

For the most part, the gentiles will be unimpressed with the Lord’s stretched out arm. Gentiles will remain slow to respond, skeptical of the means, and dispute whether the Lord is really involved. Even those who claim to believe in His restored Book of Mormon and covenant will take lightly what He offers them. Only a few will be willing to undertake a form of repentance. But to receive “knowledge of the true points of my doctrine” it will require something more than half-hearted conversion.

How do you suppose “knowledge of Christ’s true points of doctrine” would change you?

Why do you think it will be necessary to “repent” before you receive “knowledge of the true points of His doctrine?” (John 7: 17.)
Why are both of these (“repentance” and “knowledge of true points of doctrine”) required before you can be “numbered among Christ’s people?”
Why do some of the gentiles need to become so numbered?  How will we know when that sign has occurred? Has it already? If not, then the sign isn’t before us yet — But if so, then the sign has begun. Are you among those who have repented, been baptized, know the true points of His doctrine, and become numbered with His people?