Tag: correlated curriculum

Alma 13:13

Alma 13: 13: 

“And now, my brethren, I would that ye should humble yourselves before God, and bring forth fruit meet for repentance, that ye may also enter into that rest.” 

Think about what you’re reading here.  Alma is essentially declaring himself as one of those possessing this priesthood because he is inviting others to enter into the rest which these people enjoy.  That is, “come, join in the rest of the Lord.”

Alma has just revealed something profound about himself. It is subtle, but nonetheless true. In meekness he has proffered an invitation. He has not set himself up to be admired. He does not consider himself better. He has delivered the invitation to those to whom he is ministering, just as you would expect someone possessing this great, holy calling to do.

All the more remarkable is that he extends this invitation to an unredeemed, critical, reproachful audience of unconverted.  He does not shield them from these great mysteries.
He does not flinch or hold back because it would be to “cast pearls before swine.”  He knows where the line is drawn, for in the preceding chapter they have explained to an audience that there are mysteries withheld from the public.  (Alma 12: 9-11.)  There are things kept from public knowledge and obtained only by heed and diligence. The line involves sacred ordinances, NOT higher knowledge. You give that and you make converts. You withhold it and you blend into the morass of churches who teach merely a form of godliness without any power to save. (JS-H 1: 19.)
It was the same during Christ’s ministry. The line is drawn as sacred events turn to ordinances. They are withheld. NOT the teaching of deep doctrine.
So when we refuse to discuss “mysteries” and limit our correlated curriculum to an approved list of 52 subjects, recycling them endlessly, we are not in conformity with the pattern shown in the Book of Mormon. The “most correct book” condemns us.  But, then again, so does the word of the Lord precisely because we are not following the Book of Mormon.  (D&C 84: 55-57.)
The highest form of acceptance and redemption is to have your calling and election made sure; to be washed and cleansed from sin every whit. Alma is preaching this to unconverted, investigating, potential converts. Today we won’t even permit the subject to be raised in adult Sunday School, Priesthood, or Relief Society meetings because it is considered to be “too sensitive” for the members to consider. Have we, the Gentiles, rejected “the fullness of the Gospel?”  (3 Ne. 16: 10.) Not as long as any of us (like salt or leaven) keep these doctrines alive.
If you want to know about this fullness and how to obtain it, then read the books I have written. That is what they are about. Alma was right!  His message was true!
Let all come and partake. Everyone is invited. No institutional control should be used to prevent your search into this matter.  It is right in the Book of Mormon. Though the institution may be condemned for neglecting it, you don’t need to be.
So, let’s turn to the next verse and see what wonders continue to unfold before our eyes….