Tag: constitutional forum

Constitutional Forum 2

I will participate again at the American Heritage School in a Constitutional Law forum.  The format is a panel discussion.  It is at 7:00 p.m. this Thursday, the 5th.  American Heritage School is located across the street from the Timpanogos Temple in American Fork.

This panel will be discussing First Amendment freedom of speech issues.  

Since some of you attended last time, I thought I ought to post a notice again.

Constitutional Forum

At the invitation of the American Heritage School, I am going to participate in a forum this coming Thursday.  The school is located across the street from the Timpanogos Temple.  The announcement reads as follows:
Community Forum, Thursday, June 3, 2010, 7:00 p.m.
American Heritage School, North Auditorium
736 North 1100 East, American Fork, Utah
Join us for our inaugural Community Forum, to be held this coming Thursday, June 3, at 7:00 p.m., free and open to the public. We have confirmed four very special guest panelists, including attorney and author Denver Snuffer, Marriage Law Foundation Director Bill Duncan, Professor David Moore of BYU Law School, and AHS Family Education Center Committee Member Larry Hilton. Come listen and ask questions on critical constitutional topics that are impacting our homes, communities, and nation. To have even one of these individuals for an event like this would be worthy of an entire evening. To have all four of them on a single panel is extraordinary and has the making of truly thought-provoking and life-changing experience. For more information on our panelists, please see below. The format for the evening includes brief opening statements by each panelist member, followed by open Q&A from audience members, on the three topics of “Sovereignty”, “Freedom of Conscience” and John Adam’s statement that the Constitution was intended only for a “moral and religious people.” 
 If any of you are interested in this subject matter, the forum is free to the public.
(I’ll be the one who hasn’t shaved recently.)