Search Results for: Last Week’s Comments​

“… for it shall be sweet unto them.”

GarMel I will attempt to express or describe a new picture that has been emerging, and as I have ruminated over this for almost a week now, things are becoming clearer. A bit of History: I was directed 2 years ago to step up our “physical” preparation and to gather many things that I had not thought of before. As I was finishing all I felt I needed, my husband then started getting directon to further that preparation and his list one morning included some guns and ammunition. We had never owned more than guns passed from fathers for hunting… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 5 in comments. Score: 6.71)

Remnant, part VII

…December 10th, 1845. Those who had been given some instruction regarding the Temple in Joseph’s brick store, used what they had learned before Joseph’s death to perform the ceremonies. A portion of the attic was temporarily dedicated for this work, even though the structure was incomplete. The final endowments were performed on February 7, 1846. On February 8, 1846 the Twelve prayed in the Temple to be able to finally complete and formally dedicate the Temple. The following day the Temple caught fire, damaging the area that had been used for the endowment requiring repairs to be made. A week (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 1 in comments. Score: 6.66)

Broken souls

…contrite.  We are made to think God favors us because we have worldly successes. We prosper. It is the successful, the financially well-to-do, the educated, the bank president, the lawyer and doctor whom we hold up as the model of a true Saint.  Read the resumes of those who are called to lead the stakes and missions of the church in each week’s Church News.  We draw from a very narrow social gene-pool to find those who serve. They come from among those who have the financial resources in place to spare the time it takes to serve. In the process… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 1 in comments. Score: 6.66)

3 Nephi 11: 22

…I once discounted him as a scholar probably stuck with inadequate scholar’s tools and not much revelation, but hey, I jump to conclusions. It will be interesting to actually read more of what he wrote.” Yes you do/did. :-) I imagine you’ll find reading him to be very enlightening. [I don’t know where you live, but if you are in Utah you might be interested in a one day class Bro. Gileadi is teaching in Provo on Saturday, October 9th. See the Isaiah Institute’s website for more information.] I took a ten-week course on Isaiah last fall from him. Here… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 12 in comments. Score: 5.06)

1 Nephi 13: 33 – 34

…we see, in the case of Adam, the continuation of life [his doings] after a disruption [mortality] that was terminated [return to immortality]. IN sum total, we see, in the case of Jesus, the continuation of life [his doings] after a disruption [dead] that was terminated [resurrection]. No metaphysics, no magic wand, just a simple rendering of the scriptures. Everyone smile — no frowns here. db schroeder I thought about how Joseph sealed a bunch of ppl to himself when we covered this verse in Samuel in Gospel Doctrine class last week: “Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 1 in comments. Score: 4.66)

Temporary Blog Disarray

Anonymous So funny. I had to go to girls camp when my boys were 4 & 6. They hadn’t been away from me very much. I was so worried about Daddy “doing things right.” Wouldn’t you know that on the one day when we needed to drive down to semi-civilization and get something for a lantern, I used the payphone to call and check-in and they weren’t home! I think the week was more miserable for me than for them! You’re gonna do great Denver…and be nice to the dog :) Anonymous Animals seem to somehow know these things don’t… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 1 in comments. Score: 4.66)

1 Nephi 14: 11-12

…veil. I know that I can’t depend on the “Institution” to save me. That is my job. But should we be critical and point fingers?…is it bad that we are counseled not to be critical? I have so many flaws that I don’t have time to look to see what others flaws are. I have a son getting ready to go on a mission. Didn’t ever think he would go. He will turn in his papers in a week or so. Should I be excited? Should I cower that he will be trying to lead people into this church with… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 7 in comments. Score: 3.04)

3 Neph 16: 11

…Education Week. My experience has been mostly positive, and I usually come away uplifted and edified. That being said, it never tasted nearly as sweet as the last month on this blog have. Doug Karen This is getting really interesting. I have loved all this verse by verse instruction for the last several weeks. I knew the day of the Gentile was either over or quickly coming to a close…but now I’m excited to finally get more understanding of what that means exactly and how it potentially plays out. So many questions….I can’t wait for each new blog…how will I… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 5 in comments. Score: 2.9)

Alma 13:9

…from “grace to grace” until he became a glorified being, or a God, in the preexistence then why could not others. (As pointed out in the blog entry this week dealing with Alma 13:3, Joseph Smith stated there were: “Sons of God who exalt themselves to be Gods, even from the foundation of the world, and are the only Gods I have a reverence for.” TPJS p. 375, this is the exact quote–Denver’s was a paraphrase.) If Christ is the example we should follow, and if he went from grace to grace in the preexistence until he achieved Godhood, then… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 4 in comments. Score: 1.83)

2 Nephi 28: 22

…can turn it into when studying 8 chapters in a single 50 minute Gospel Doctrine class– reduced by the time taken for announcement, opening and closing prayers, and witty banter exchanged among affable Saints as part of our renewal of weekly fellowship. Those things are good, of course, but the book commands deeper attention.   If I had to say one thing has done more to bring me into harmony with the Lord than any other thing it would be this: I have taken the Book of Mormon seriously. I have assumed it is an authentic and ancient text written by… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 4 in comments. Score: 1.83)

2 Nephi 28: 26

…and who are blind to the gifts of such angels in our midst. The various gifts we each enjoy, including sentiment, should be celebrated fully. My father, a non-sentimental man, once spoke in family home evening of the good and bad traditions of the fathers, after having taken us the week prior to watch Fiddler on the Roof. He confessed that he had little to no sentiment and that he could not give hugs or display affection in the least (a fact–he was stiff as a board). He encouraged us to overcome such traditions and to not fear truthful emotions… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 4 in comments. Score: 1.83)

Belief becomes knowledge

…thank you Denver. I have been led to find your book in an answer to much prayer. I have come to this website everyday for the last two weeks and many times you have posted something that opens my understanding on issues I am currently struggling with and praying about. I have had a question come to me several times as I have read your book and blog. Obviously the vast majority of people that have lived on this earth have never received the Second Comforter. Even the vast majority of LDS church members have not. So I am wondering… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 4 in comments. Score: 1.83)

This is why I didn’t like it

…as the Spirit helps us give proper voice to these issues. This burden falls to each of us and not to Denver alone. As these powerful thoughts are discussed and wrestled with, I hope we can always consider the counsel given in D&C 50:13-36. Then we should remember, only to the extent Brigham Young resonated perfectly with God’s Spirit, should we follow His example. Similarly, to the extent Denver resonates perfectly with that spirit, or any of us who comment resonate with that spirit, we each benefit more perfectly. Denver, this week as I quit trying so hard to look… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 3 in comments. Score: 1.65)

Remnant, part VI

…that your ancestors and mine had practiced for thousands of years since the days of Rebecca at the well. When the U.S. government wanted to install electric lines in Hotevila, the people repeatedly took down the poles. The government officials would put them up again, and the people would take them down again—they actually rejected the blessings of electricity and a ready water supply. I talk about these things to show how different their ways were from ours. Since this is Homecoming Week, I may suggest a parallel. All the time my children were growing up, it was a special… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 3 in comments. Score: 1.65)

The battle is the Lord’s

…sufficient to bring about the Lord’s miraculous help in keeping them safe from Laban’s armies over the next week or months. The important thing here is that it was the Lord’s decision to have Laban slain. Nephi’s decision was not whether he should slay Laban or not. It was whether he would obey the Spirit or not. Notice that verse 13 says, “the Lord slayeth the wicked…” The Lord chose to slay Laban. Nephi was simply his instrument. And all of Nephi’s mental machinations were just what he worked through inside himself trying to feel good about doing something he… (Search hits: 0 in body, 0 in title, 3 in comments. Score: 1.43)