Category: Podcast

5: Faith

What is faith? How does one exercise faith, even great faith?

Today Denver teaches from the oft overlooked Lectures on Faith as well as bearing witness of the role of faith. Faith must be grounded in God and nothing else. Faith motivates you to act and produces power when you act. Continue reading “5: Faith”

4: Contradicting Joseph

The documents, words and revelations given by and through ancient prophets up through Joseph Smith are to be read, heeded and valued per God’s own words. But, can anyone, including a modern prophet, church leader or president contradict and change what Joseph Smith said, taught and revealed?

Today, using the words and revelations of God, Denver reminds us how important it is to pay heed to what Joseph Smith gave the world. Continue reading “4: Contradicting Joseph”

3: Who is Christ?

Who is Christ? What are His attributes?

Today’s discussion addresses the standard of salvation, what a saved being is and Christ as the prototype for all men. Denver shares first-hand testimony of Christ, who is real, who lives and who is approachable by everyone! Continue reading “3: Who is Christ?”

2: Fellowship Diversity

As Christian fellowships are formed they all seem to be very different. In what ways should they be similar and in what ways is it okay for them to be diverse?

In this podcast Denver addresses the importance of community within Christian worship. Continue reading “2: Fellowship Diversity”

1: Gethsemane

What is the significance of what Christ went through in the Garden of Gethsemane?

In this podcast, Denver answers this question, and gives his eye-witness account of the events that day.

Continue reading “1: Gethsemane”