Category: Podcast

35: Temple, Part 3

This is the third installment in a multi-part series about the Temple.  In this series Denver addresses the meaning behind both ancient and modern temple worship, as well as some of the features and purposes of the temple to be built in New Jerusalem.


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34: Dances with Wolves

In this installment Denver responds to some of the questions listeners have submitted for consideration. In addition to answering questions, Denver provides some timely context and recommendations for how we can become one.


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33: Temple, Part 2

This is the second installment in a multi-part series about the Temple.  In this series Denver addresses the meaning behind both ancient and modern temple worship, as well as some of the features and purposes of the temple to be built in New Jerusalem.


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32: Temple, Part 1

This is the first installment in a multi-part series about the Temple.  In this series Denver addresses the meaning behind both ancient and modern temple worship, as well as some of the features and purposes of the temple to be built in New Jerusalem.


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30: How the Restoration Has Fallen!

Today, Denver addresses the following:

Nearly 200 years after God appeared to Joseph in the Sacred Grove, we still don’t have Zion. What happened to the Restoration? Why has it failed to produce Zion as prophesied? What can we do to help it get back on track?


Continue reading “30: How the Restoration Has Fallen!”

28: Adam-ondi-Ahman

Today, Denver addresses the following: On April 19, 2017, you gave a talk entitled “Things to Keep Us Awake At Night.” In the paper you wrote, based on that talk, you state “Adam, in the presence of Son Ahman, will return the government to our Lord. This event, Adam-ondi-Ahman, or Adam in the presence of Son Ahman, will happen in the new temple, and will be done before the Lord returns to judge the world.” What is Adam-ondi-Ahman, why does it require a new temple, and who will be included in this great event?


Continue reading “28: Adam-ondi-Ahman”

27: Generation

Today, Denver addresses the following: On September 22, 2016, you wrote that “If they are penitent and willing to trust God, the last-days Zion will be achieved by a single generation.” What is a “generation”, how long is it, and are we that generation?


Continue reading “27: Generation”

22: New Jerusalem

In this episode Denver addresses the following items of interest. What is the New Jerusalem? Where will it be? What will happen there? And how will the New Jerusalem become Zion? Continue reading “22: New Jerusalem”

21: Angels – Part 3

This is Part 3 of a special three part series on angels, where Denver addresses many questions including…

What are angels like? How do we interact with them? What are they here to do, and how are they different from us and from other heavenly beings? Continue reading “21: Angels – Part 3”