Denver’s books – in case you haven’t read them yet

Someone mentioned in a comment (I don’t remember who or which) that they had not read Denver’s books nor did they know how to get them.  

For anyone that applies to – here you go . . . Happy reading.

4 thoughts on “Denver’s books – in case you haven’t read them yet

  1. You don’t need to buy a copy if you live in Utah communities whose public libraries have copies. Check them first, before you make a purchase. I have driven from Sandy south to the border stopping and donating copies to libraries in Utah towns as I went down. Now the Salt Lake Library system wouldn’t accept them (they have a complicated system that doesn’t allow you to walk in a give them a book). Some of the town libraries said they would have to review them first, and I never followed up to see if they accepted them or not. However, they were donated and I assume many of them are available free at the libraries to check out and read if you live in Utah.

    Also I know both the Harold B. Lee and Law Libraries at BYU have copies which can be checked out. Therefore if you have access to those libraries you can read them there.

    If the only choice is to buy a copy, then you should know that I do not profit from the sales. All royalties paid to me are donated to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  2. Denver you also named a local bookstore in an earlier blog that sold them and I can’t remember which bookstore or find the blog. Amazon can’t get copies here in time for Father’s Day so would you remind me of the bookstore please.
    Thank you

  3. Has there been any plans to make electronic copies of your books available?

    The indexes included are nice to have, but incomplete enough that sometimes I remember a point or a passage from a book but have a hard time finding it again. Having an electronic version to do a search through would be really nice.

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