Record Keeping

Joseph touches on a principle in his letter on September 6, 1842 that is quite important.  It relates to keeping record and the day of judgment.
After quoting Revelation 20: 12, Joseph explains there are two kinds of records kept.  One is on earth, recording what men have done here.  The other is kept in heaven.  The one agreeing with the other.  (D&C 128: 7.)  He goes on to explain how these two records are related.
What is recorded on earth is recorded in heaven.  What is not recorded in earth “shall not be recorded in heaven.”  (D&C 128: 8.)
This principle was extended by President Spencer W. Kimball in a talk he gave in October, 1975 while President of the Church.  His comments included this: “Get a notebook, my young folks, a journal that will last through all time, and maybe the angels may quote from it for eternity. Begin today and write in it your goings and comings, your deepest thoughts, your achievements, and your failures, your associations and your triumphs, your impressions and your testimonies. Remember, the Savior chastised those who failed to record important events.”  (Originally printed in October, 1975 New Era; reprinted in New Era, Feb 2003, at page 32.)
Why would angels quote from your personal journal?  It would be based on the same principle given by Joseph Smith in Section 128.  Recording here those sacred events which happen in your life is necessary for the same events to be recorded in heaven.  The personal records of disciples of Christ have become scripture, but they began as a personal journal.  Nephi’s record was his journal. Alma’s, Abraham’s, Enoch’s and many others were also. Section 128 is a letter.  Most of the New Testament consists of letters.  These were written to or for family members or friends.
Do not underestimate the significance of what you record on earth in your own records.  If you record sacred events, written under the influence of the Holy Ghost, angels may not only quote from it (as Pres. Kimball suggested), but they may regard it as scripture itself. 

One thought on “Record Keeping

  1. I have a question. It is my understanding that the “Book of Life” is kept in our individual bodies and that that record can be easily read by the Savior and angels.

    I am uncomfortable recording my ‘good deeds’–I prefer them to be known only to myself and the Lord.

    But I heard an apostle say once that he diligently records every good thing he does every day–and I think this post is the principle (recorded on earth-recorded in Heaven) that he bases that on.

    What think ye? Are we supposed to keep track of our positive behaviors in print form????

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