Ask, seek and knock

James promised the Lord would answer those who lack knowledge and ask with a sincere heart (James 1: 5-6). The Prophet Jeremiah made a similar promise.  In Jeremiah’s promise the words are a quote from the Lord.  He said: “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”  (Jer. 29: 13.)
He is approachable.  He wants us to approach Him.

One thought on “Ask, seek and knock

  1. Speaking of asking…my brother forwarded me this quote from Brigham Young which I thought compliments this theme of asking, seeking and knocking:

    “The early customs and teachings of parents and friends, to a greater or lesser degree, influence the minds of children, but when they are disposed to inquire at the hands of Him who has eternal intelligence to impart to them, when their understandings are enlarged, when their minds are enlightened by the Spirit of Truth, so that they can see things that are unseen by the natural eye, they may then be corrected in their doctrine and belief, and in their manner of life, but not until then.” – Brigham Young, JD 1:2

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