Tag: ordinances


I was asked about godliness. 
The ordinances are helps, symbols and requirements.  “Helps” in that they establish milestones that memorialize passage from one stage of development to the next.  “Symbols” in that they point to a deeper meaning or spiritual reality almost always grounded in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  “Requirements” in that they mark the defined route taken by Christ as a mortal to fulfill all righteousness.
The power of godliness is tied to opening the heavens and receiving assignments, confirming revelation, or blessings from God.  Promises given to others are not promises to you.  Men are rarely reliable sources from which to attain the Word of God.  It is the unfortunate condition of mankind that, so soon as the are given a little authority they begin to use unrighteous dominion.  Heaven, on the other hand, does not dictate, abuse, misuse authority or entice you to do evil. 
All power is tied to heaven.  When the powers of heaven are withdrawn from someone, then their authority comes to an end and they have no power.
The ordinances as symbols point to the real thing. The real thing is Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
If you want to have the power of godliness in your life, it must be gained through Jesus Christ; access to whom is available to all men on equal terms.


Oddly, ordinances were intended to communicate an inner message of redemption and holiness.  Instead, they get looked upon as credentials.  They aren’t.  Possession of ordinances without inner holiness is meaningless.  On the other hand, D&C 137 shows that possession of inner holiness, while lacking the ordinances, will not be an impediment.  (We can send anyone with a card to the temple to take care of the ordinances.  But how infrequent it is that we produce a redeemed and acceptable soul to our God and Father.)