April 12 and April 13 Conference Information

I previously put up a notice about the April 13 Conference where a vote will be taken about whether to approve several additions to the Teachings and Commandments. Everything announced earlier about that Conference remains unchanged. However, an earlier, second session will be held on April 12. Both will be held in the Salt Lake area.

The first session will be a part of an ongoing series of women’s conferences. Stephanie Snuffer will facilitate this portion of the conference. This conference is separate from the conference being held the next day on April 13. Both conferences will hold votes for material to be included in the scriptures. Please attend and vote at both. For full details, please visit https://www.april12conference.com/

The vote will be in person and will require a simple majority vote to decide the matter. Fellowships may hold votes the week prior on Sunday, April 6th, record the votes, and send representatives with the votes to be counted at the conferences.

Here is the website for the April 12 Session: April 12 Conference

Here is the website for the April 13 Session: April 13 Conference

Both websites include proposed additions to the Teachings and Commandments. Each proposal will be voted on separately and may result in some or all being added or excluded from the Second Edition of the scriptures. These votes will settle matters and allow the Second Edition to proceed to print, and any approved additions will be added to the print-on-demand copies as well as to the scriptures.info website.