October Conference

A website is now live for the upcoming October conference. It is linked here: Obtain a new heart

During the conference a vote will be taken about the new Covenant of Christ version of the Book of Mormon. I would hope those who elect to attend would read the entire text before the vote is taken.

The vote will follow the Lord’s instruction: “have the voice of the people determine if they will accept it as my Covenant.”

The vote will answer this question (which is the same language as when in 2017 a conference voted on accepting the Book of Mormon) with “Covenant of Christ” added in place of the “Book of Mormon”: Do you have faith in these things and receive the scriptures approved by the Lord as a standard to govern you in your daily walk in life, to accept the obligations established by the Covenant of Christ as a covenant, and to use the scriptures to correct yourselves and to guide your words, thoughts, and deeds? This is consistent with the Lord’s instruction: “Once the voice of the people has been heard, if they accept it let it be your Covenant version to guide you.”

Accepting Covenant of Christ does not remove the Book of Mormon as accepted scripture. As we were instructed by the Lord: “No one should be forbidden from using the earlier text, nor compelled to use only one of these two, but if approved by their vote it will be your Covenant text to guide you.” The “earlier text” mentioned here is the Book of Mormon. Approving it will allow us to use it as an authoritative text in the same way as other scriptures to guide our words, thoughts and deeds.