Endless variety

The Lord has explained: “For behold, I am Endless, and the punishment which is given from my hand is Endless punishment, for Endless is my name.” (T&C 4:2) That was a “mystery” until it was explained to us. Meditating on that new light it is apparent that the “endlessness” of God is installed throughout the creation. Every fingerprint on every hand is unique. The DNA of every living thing is so unique that we can identify exactly the organism from DNA matching.

Every snowflake is unique. All topography is unique, and that is built into English and American common law, because land is not considered interchangeable. “Blackacre is not fungible.” In law school an example of any real estate principle is referred to using the term “Blackacre” for the place. And anything that is “fungible” is interchangeable with any other like kind thing.

We build fungible stuff. Every car, phone, television, rifle, brick, toaster, or dresser made by a manufacturer on an assembly line is purposefully intended to be identical. We want to look at a catalogue or showroom floor model and trust that when we buy the thing what we will receive will be identical with what we first chose. We oppose what is unique through our commerce, and that carries on into how we deal with nature. Every unique tree that we harvest is then cut into dimensional lumber measured as 2×4′ or 2×6′ etc. The thing God made singularly and endlessly is converted into a reliable sameness by our industry.

We don’t even let one another remain unique. We classify ourselves into categories by our national identities, race, age, education, income level, height, weight, etc. so much so that if you were given a description of a character in a book you would imagine them to be familiar to you based on your impulse for categorization and others you have met. We can dismiss whole groups in political campaigns because we think of them as a “voting block” and therefor we needn’t appeal to them.

We are here to be “added upon” by the experiences of this life. Everyone who has ever lived here, and everyone who will yet live here will be “added upon” as stated in the T&C: “And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon, and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate; and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever.” (T&C 145: Book of Abraham 6:2.) The reference to those who “kept their first estate” means all of us who descend from Adam and Eve and live in this world.

We began as brothers and sisters, taught by parents who had been in the presence of God, and shared a common religion that taught us truths that God gave to our first parents. But the continuity of knowing those truths was broken in the second generation. Rebellion and rejection began with the first children of Adam and Eve, and has continued throughout the generations.

Despite the failure of mankind to follow God, the Lord has adapted His efforts to let every person who lives here to be added upon. How that has happened is again, Endless. Meaning the Lord has accomplished His purposes in ways that truly justify His claim to the name of “Endless.”

The Book of Mormon teaches: “For behold, the Lord doth grant unto all nations, of their own nation and tongue, to teach his word, yea, in wisdom, all that he seeth fit that they should have; therefore, we see that the Lord doth counsel in his wisdom, according to that which is just and true. I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it.” (Alma 15:13 RE; 29:8-9 LDS) In the Covenant of Christ edition this is rendered in modern English to read: “The Lord gives to every nation, from their own people, using their own language, teachers delivering His message that He decides is relevant for them. Therefore we should trust that the Lord is wise enough to guide everyone to the truth appropriate for them. I know the Lord’s commandments to me, and I’ve found joy obeying.”

No two of us have the same understanding, and the Lord has been taking that into account. He is far more willing to let us develop gradually, uniquely and patiently than we are willing to tolerate differences in understanding. It is common for “religious” people to damn others whose understanding differs from theirs solely on the basis of their own small window into an infinite plan of a God whose name is Endless.

One lady has spent a few years tying to get people to see across religious divides by having representatives of different faith traditions speak in a worldwide conference sharing differing truths from their own faith tradition. She has set another one to be held this October 13th. That upcoming Unity in Humanity Conference organized by Jill Van Haren will be announced on my website as it gets closer. But the idea underlying her years-long effort is one the Covenant of Christ/Book of Mormon endorses: The Lord does give to every nation, from their own people, using their own language, teachers delivering what part of His message that He decides to be relevant for them. Therefore we should trust that the Lord is wise enough to guide everyone to the truth appropriate for them. And therefore I try to be patient with such truths as others possess and show respect for something they hold sacred.

There is Endless variety–everywhere. That is evidence of God’s character. It should not try our patience. It should bring us joy. No matter how far afield mankind has strayed from God, they are being “added upon” by their experiences here. However tragic, beautiful, diseased, joyful, miserable, heroic, selfish, celebrated, forgotten or remembered any given life has been or will ever be, they all are being added upon. This world has been adapted to let us be selfish, insecure, impatient, rigid, foolish, arrogant and cruel to then allow others to be unselfish, confident, patient, adaptable, wise and humble. At some point there will be a Judgement Day. When that time comes we will see that infinite variety in its true light and then be “added upon” by realizing what we each lack.

While we are still here among the living, we have the opportunity to see the Endlessness of God’s efforts to add upon each of us. Every trial is a blessing, every blessing an opportunity to help others. Every moment is priceless. The fewer moments we spend judging and damning others for their differences, and the more charitably we use our words, thoughts and deeds, the greater we become in the eyes of God.

Many of the most intolerant and belligerent people I’ve encountered are very religious. And some of the most kind people I’ve encountered have given up hope of finding value in any religion. That runs contrary to what Adam and Eve were first taught about finding joy and rejoicing in their posterity. When we hate and condemn one another based on our own ‘self-righteousness’ we are insulting an Endless and Eternal God whose very name discloses the variety deliberately planned for this Creation of Theirs.