Full text of June 20 revelation

I read part of the June 20, 2024 revelation at the Sawtooth Conference. Another part of it was sent by email to those who are addressed in that portion of the document. But the entire transcript has not been released so far, and therefore I am providing it below:

On June 20, 2024 the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
It is enough. I have given to you my direction both now and as the work was underway, and therefore I say to you: It is enough.
I labored alongside you in this work. My word is truth. My word is spirit. As you worked with the text I gave you my word and it is to be kept as it was given. My word carries with it the power of truth, and you are not called to alter it, but are to defend it. As you have considered comments from others you have feared man more than me. The corruption of scripture has been caused by men fearing others and failing to heed my word. You were told to update the language, and that included restating my doctrine, sacrament and baptismal prayers but you hesitated and needed to be commanded to do so. Let your work of updating the language now end with the words I have given you.
Publish it for the people to read. Then, have the voice of the people determine if they will accept it as my Covenant, as they will be judged by their voice on this matter. Once the voice of the people has been heard, if they accept it let it be your Covenant version to guide you. No one should be forbidden from using the earlier text, nor compelled to use only one of these two, but if approved by their vote it will be your Covenant text to guide you.
As for my doctrine, sacrament and baptismal prayers, use the new language but you are not to forbid using the earlier language, as I will accept either wording for these ordinances.
In the future when translating the Book of Mormon into other languages, use this Covenant of Christ version as the source for that work.
And again, let this be how you proceed with the Hebrew translation also underway: When it is finished let your fellow servant Jaqim pray and ask if I will accept it, trusting the answer he will receive from me. Then let him find twelve believing Jews who speak and read Hebrew who will sustain it as scripture, have them meet and vote, and once sustained by their vote let it be published as scripture with their names testifying to it, and I will hold the Jews accountable for how they respond to the testimony of Jaqim and the other twelve who witness.
There have been disputes among the women about the conduct of women’s councils and disputes about how they are to proceed. I have given direction and it is not wise for the women to be commanded in every particular, but it is also not wise for the direction I have given to be used to achieve a predetermined outcome. The outcome should be based on, and the result of, what is learned in the council.
All my revelations are intended to guide you, and therefore remember that I have told you that I suffered the Constitution of the United States to be established to maintain the rights and protection of all based upon just and holy principles; and that I established the Constitution by the hands of wise men whom I raised up for this very purpose. The abuses and mistreatment of mankind by unjust governments needed to end, and the principles adopted in the Bill of Rights were intended to secure the protection of those accused of transgressing the laws of the land. The women should consider those protections as they decide how to conduct councils involving those accused of transgressing the laws of God.
Let the women call a conference at a suitable time and place convenient to allow interested women to attend. Have your wife, Stephanie Snuffer conduct the conference deliberations and let any who want to speak present their concerns. Reason together and draw upon the experiences from those past women’s councils. Let the women learn to come to agreement and the voice of that conference decides all matters raised. And I remind you that the majority of those who vote decide the voice of the conference of women. If 100 vote, the vote of 51 decides the matter. And, if another dispute later arises from other women’s councils, and there is a need, call another conference of the women and resolve the dispute by the voice of the women’s conference, as often as need arises.
Now, as for you my servant, I have instructed my people to partake of the sacrament in your families, and you have neglected to do so. This is your obligation and you are no longer to neglect doing so as this is your duty.
Hear me now: Let every person take care in how they use my name, as if I had part in their every dispute, for many things provoking arguments among the people are born from pride, stubbornness, aspiring for control, and reckless indifference toward me and one another. I bear with the people still, and patiently await the return of natural fruit in my vineyard. Do not be misled by my patience, for the time is quickly approaching for the harvest of my vineyard. Amen.