
I’ve heard rumors and gotten assurances about Zion and thought I ought to share the intelligence I’ve gained from these divergent sources. We know it won’t be in Jackson County, Missouri. So that leaves so many options.

I’ve been led to understand that in the Bighorn Mountains near Sheridan, Wyoming there is a Medicine Wheel that clearly has some foretelling of Zion. So I’ve heard it’s going to be there.

But then I heard that almost on the same alignment in New Mexico there is Chaco Canyon which has tremendous good vibrations and an Indigenous people’s history that must have something to do with Nephites and a future connected with Zion.

But I have several friends who promise me that it will be on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona where one of the mesa’s was always intended for Zion.

There are already people in Mt. Pleasant, Utah waiting for construction to commence on Zion. So it is probably there, I’m told.

But, the absolutely most likely, clearly inevitable place must be in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho where there have been conferences in the past and one planned for next month. So Challis is the place… maybe.

However, I’m also being told that Sandpoint Idaho is far more likely as it is situated in the Northern Idaho Banana Belt of the Pacific flow.

Well, maybe the idea is far less a matter of geography and far more a matter of people of one heart and one mind who can live together in peace. Maybe if you could find those folks you could just set it up right there… If only.