April 2024 Conference

The conference organizers have asked that I put this announcement up about next April’s conference:

Due to a number of factors and influences, the April 2024 Eclipse Conference that had been scheduled for the Kirtland, Ohio area has been moved to the Upstate New York area. The dates of the conference remain April 6-8, 2024 with the event beginning Saturday afternoon and concluding Monday late afternoon with the eclipse. While the details are still being finalized, we can inform you that the activities will mainly take place in the cradle of the restoration.  The closest international airport would be Rochester, New York, with Syracuse also an option.  Given the eclipse activity, lodging should be acquired as soon as possible, if you plan on attending the conference. The event website is found at remnanteclipseconference.com.

I’ve been asked to speak and agreed to do so. Seven years ago I gave a talk, The Holy Order. That was near the time of the Solar Eclipse that crossed North America in 2017. The working title for the talk for next April’s conference is “The Holy Order, Part 2.” I’ve been working on the first draft of it for over a month and think the upcoming second Solar Eclipse that will also cross North America is a suitable occasion for the talk. Anyone who plans to attend should be familiar with the material in the first Holy Order talk, as it will not repeat the information. It will build upon the first part.

The two eclipses cross the United States from coast to coast, forming a great “X” in their pathways.