79 Years Ago

Today is the anniversary of D-Day. 79 years ago on June 6, 1944 on the beaches of Normandy the American, Canadian and British forces landed to confront fortified German positions. It was given the name “The Longest Day” which became the title of a movie in 1962.

There are few survivors of that day still living. We cannot keep them here. But we ought not allow memory of that event to fade. When we forget what was required to undo established totalitarianism we risk letting it return. It is far easier to prevent than to overthrow.

Right now the great prize in the war against mankind’s freedom is the government of the United States. If the government here fails to protect freedom the entire world is in jeopardy. As John Adams explained: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Our scriptures counsel: “honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men you should observe to uphold; otherwise, whatever is less than these comes of evil.” T&C 98:2

As American morality declines, so too does civility, order, peace and focus on the protection of freedoms. Stirring up the public to distraction over trivial matters, raising false accusations about others, and shouting at rather than listening to one another allows wicked men and women to be elected to office.

There are serious, even critical issues that face America. They deserve careful, difficult consideration and an open exchange of ideas. They are not receiving the attention needed for intelligent choices to be made. Fools excite arguments about matters of little significance, and are popularly elected because of inflamed passions of the electorate.

Our Constitution was not only made for a moral and religious people, but also for a thoughtful and deliberate people who are capable of careful consideration of serious matters.

On D-Day young people, including many teens, rushed into artillery and machine-gun fire because of their dedication to preserving freedom. Over 150,000 of them arrived to fight that day, and thousands of them would die before the morning ended. Devotion, faith, discipline, love of country, love or fellow-man, determination and honor were on display that day.

Does the United States today produce those qualities in teens? If not, can that be changed?