
I’ve agreed to put some information up about these upcoming and current events:

A new video that consolidates all 21 videos about the history of Christianity, Protestant Reformation, and Restoration has been completed. It can be viewed at this link: The Testimony of Jesus – Past, Present and Promise

The committee organizing the conference in May has published some additional details about the upcoming conference, which can be found on their website at

The Remnant Young Adult Fellowship is planning a fun and uplifting weekend retreat at a beautiful cabin in Bedford, Wyoming from July 13-17th. This will be a great opportunity for those ages 18-33 to learn more about Christ with one another, spend time in nature, meet new friends and knit hearts together. Activities include visiting Grand Teton National Park, movie and game nights, bonfires, stargazing, volleyball, kayaking, local hikes, creek walks, scripture discussion, etc. There will be a fee to cover the cost of lodging, food, park fees, etc. Right now, the estimated range is $50-$100 per person. Updates will be sent out as planning moves forward. Please fill out this survey if you are interested in attending the retreat and receiving updates. This is not an official RSVP, it is only to gather interest.

There is a planned conference in 2024 at the Kirtland Temple corresponding with the solar eclipse. It will be held on April 6-8, 2024 with sessions in the Kirtland Temple and an opportunity to view the eclipse in the path of totality. More information will be made available on the conference website: