Decline of the LDS Church

In 2014 the leadership of the LDS Church brought themselves under Divine condemnation (see, T&C 166:3). The evidence of decline of the LDS Church since then has been startling, and is accelerating in almost every measurable category. Member activity has decreased, youth are not serving missions at the same rate, and temple activity has slowed. There is a constant out-flow of disaffected members. I am not cheering this decline on, and mourn to see it underway.

As their decline increases, many of their former members are not content to depart in peace, but hold resentments, even anger at their former church. More often than not, their loss of faith in the LDS Church is not replaced with faith in another Christian denomination or non-Christian religion.

As this decline proceeds it will reach a tipping-point in Utah. As I’ve contemplated this I’ve become increasingly alarmed at the future prospects of social breakdown in Utah. The LDS Church runs Utah. They exert social, economic, political and religious influence in Utah that dominates the state. It provides stability. I do not want to see them failing, and hope their collapse will delayed for as long as possible.

I know many people who have served LDS missions, and later left the church. However, I do not know of anyone who looks back on their mission as a complete waste, and I have heard from friends who have become dis-believers who state that their mission helped prepare them for life. Even if they no longer trust the LDS leadership, and question many of their historic claims, they saw value in their time as missionaries. I think there is value. I encourage LDS missions, because they benefit the missionary in countless ways.

I still see value in what the LDS Church did to change my life. Although they are riddled with errors and incapable of needed reform, they do provide a social stability for their active members that is good for society. I hate to see them failing. But I do not see any chance they can reform. Their authority claims are dependent upon Brigham Young, and that position is untenable.