Christ’s Love of Us

Our new scriptures have many things that are uniquely ours and do not inform any other Christian believer’s understanding. The differences are important to note.

We have the most complete and accurate version of the Joseph Smith Translation. We have the most complete and accurate version of the Book of Mormon. We have the most complete and accurate version of Joseph’s “Doctrine and Covenants” including revelations never canonized and Lectures on Faith, that were never decanonized, but nevertheless removed from scripture. But we also have new revelations and instructions given by God to us and exclusively for us.

Here is one insight into Christ’s love for us that can only be found in our scriptures: “God wants for us to understand Him. He is eager to meet with and touch us, as we should be to know and touch Him. God loves His children equally, but we love Him unequally in return. If we would love Him as he loves us, we would leap into His open arms and rejoice in the touch of our Lord.” T&C 159:8-9 These words are humbling to contemplate.

It cannot be overstated how important scriptures are to understanding Christ’s gospel. We have an advantage to understanding His gospel through our unique scriptures, if we are willing to study them.