Conference Announcement

The organizers of the upcoming conference have asked that I post their announcement, which I have copied and pasted below:

Teaching Our Children to Honor God through Service

 An Invitation to all Fellowships

Preparation for the 2018 Fall Conference

In order to actively participate in the theme of the 2018 Fall Conference, “Preserving the Hope of Zion, by Teaching our Children to Honor God, we are inviting all fellowships to plan and participate in a community service project.  As followers of Christ all over the world we invite you to prayerfully organize and participate with your children in a service project that is needed in your area.

For those fellowships that feel inspired to participate with their children, please document the service projects with pictures and short video clips.  You can upload your documentation in the Google Drive link below.  Email the conference committee at [email protected] to let us know about your project.  Please provide a brief description of what you did.  These projects will be shared at the main Sunday conference session.  This effort is not meant to brag, or to let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.  We hope that the children will be reminded of the joy they feel in serving their community, and be uplifted in viewing the projects of other youth around the globe.  In the spirit of charity for others, we desire to strengthen our connection to the Lord and to one another.

“And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom, that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God”.  (Mosiah 1:8, New Covenants)

We look forward to sharing in your experiences and discussing the joy of service to God with each other at the conference.  Please plan on participating and sending in your pictures and short video clips by August 20, 2018.

“Yea, a man may say, I will show you I have faith without works.  But I say, show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”  (Epistle of Jacob 1:11, New Covenants)

  1. Click on the Google Drive Link.
  2. Right click in the middle of the screen, select (add) + New Folder to create a new folder for your fellowship group and service project.
  3. Right click to Upload Picture/Videos of your service project/event.
  4. After uploading photos/videos, email [email protected] and notify the conference committee of your contribution to the volunteer service project for the fall 2018 conference.

We look forward to gathering and fellowshipping with you this coming September.

Have a beautiful summer!

God bless,

The Wasatch Front Planning Committee