The New Covenants

There will be three volumes of scripture: The Old Covenants, to be volume 1. The New Covenants, to be volume 2. Teachings and Commandments, to be volume 3.

The second volume of the new edition of the scriptures is now available to download from

It is now available in print through Amazon at this link: The New Covenants.

It contains the New Testament and Book of Mormon in a single volume, titled The New Covenants. Joseph Smith always intended for these two to be in a single book. Until now, however, Joseph’s hope was never realized.

This volume includes the most accurately produced version of the Book of Mormon in print and most complete version of Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible, otherwise called the Joseph Smith Translation.  Errors and omissions in earlier versions have been carefully corrected.

The other two volumes will be available soon. The final formatting process is underway for both of those volumes. All three volumes will be initially printed only in paperback. This will give readers the opportunity to review the paperback version for a few months, and bring any printing errors to the attention of the scripture committee so they can be corrected. Once all layout issues are resolved, a thinner, leather bound, onion-skin paper version will be published to make them easy to carry.

This is the culmination of more than two years of effort by dozens of volunteers spending thousands of hours to make this possible. It is an historic accomplishment. Everyone who has assisted deserves our gratitude.