Tiresome Lying

The hyper-political reporting by the major news outlets has become tiresome. It is no longer watchable. All sense of decency and fairness has been abandoned in order to polarize. Candidates use every device of rhetoric and distortion to portray their opponent to be astonishingly evil, untrustworthy, incompetent, vile and dangerous.

There is no attempt at fairness, no recognition of virtue in the opponent. If you trusted the partisan press you would believe the two major political parties of this nation have insanely chosen to offer us a stupid criminal or a dangerous egomaniac for our presidential candidates.

Washington is corrupt. Both of these candidates have exploited the corruption to gain power by using opposite means. Nevertheless it is corruption which has produced the present choice.

This foolish angry debate between parties may generate interest, sell papers, improve ratings, and increase audience share for the purveyors of propaganda, but it divides people into thoughtless hostile opposing camps. It is unworthy of us.

Suspend all judgment until the candidates debate each other, and decide between them based on the content of their respective explanations. Turn the debate off as soon as the candidates finish speaking, and avoid the highly paid, politically motivated “analysts” who try to tell you what to think afterwards. They are well-paid liars offering opinions for hire, who are far more loyal to their bosses than our country.

As long as we the people have the right to vote bad leaders out and new leaders in to office, no political problem is insurmountable.