Sustaining in 1837

On November 7, 1837 a general assembly of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held at Far West, Missouri. The minutes of the meeting recount the following:

[Sidney Rigdon as the Moderator of the meeting] nominated Joseph Smith jr. the first President of the whole Church, to preside over the same. All were requested (males and females,) to vote—who was unanimously chosen. He then made a few remarks, accepting the appointment requesting the prayers of the Church in his behalf.                                      

President Smith then nominated Prest. Sidney Rigdon to be one of his counselors—who was unanimously chosen.

He then nominated Fredrick G Williams to be his next counsillor who was objected to by Elder Lyman Wight in a few remarks referring to a certain letter written to this place by the said Frederick G Williams Also Elder Marsh objected to Prest Williams Elder James Emmet also objected to Prest Williams

Bishop Edward Partridge said he seconded Prest. William’s nomination and should vote for him; and as to said letter, he had heard it, and saw nothing so criminal in it 

President David Whitmer also made a few remarks in Prest. Williams’ favor.

Elder Marsh made further remarks.

Elder Thomas Grover also objected to Prest. Williams.

Prest. S. Rigdon then nominated Prest. Hyrum Smith to take Prest. Williams’ place. He then called for a vote in favor of Prest. Williams’ who was rejected. He then called for a vote in favor of Prest Hyrum Smith, which was carried unanimously.

Minutes of the Far West High Council, November 7, 1837.

In those days dissenting votes did not make headlines. They were normal, even expected. The views of members were considered important, and leaders were not above criticism or rejection.