Recorder Voting

The voting on the Recorder has concluded and Ken Jensen sent me an email confirming the outcome. His email is below:

According to the nominations and votes submitted to me at [email protected], Keith Henderson is now the elected Central Recorder by the Common Consent of those Invloved. 

86% of the participants voted for Keith Hernderson

10% voted for Jonny Durfee
4% were satisfied with either and gave their general consent to whoever is elected
Many of those who did vote for either Jonny or Keith also indicated their consent to whomever actually was elected.
I shared the google spreadsheet with you so you can see the details and pass along to the central recorder, if desired.
I know of a bunch of people who have been re-baptized, but did not actually send an email to vote/participate because they were likewise satisfied with whomever the group decided upon.
I can certify that the results & tallying of the votes and nominations is accurate and true according the the best of my knowledge.

I asked Keith Henderson for his contact information and permission to post it here. He gave the permission and provided the following:

Email address is:  [email protected]
You can post this phone number: 801-825-5822
Our mailing address is 1178N. 1500W. Clinton, Utah 84015
If you maintain records for any group, please forward the names of those baptized and the year of the baptism to him at the above contact locations.