Recorder Voting

I received an email that made this observation and suggestion:


Your blog is the only site that nearly all who are taking part in this resurgent restoration have in common. There are at least 4 forums, 2 Facebook groups, and two chat groups, and an unknown number of ‘gatherings’ where your readership communicate. We have no central place to vote. There are many persons, as you know, who don’t participate in any forum or group. Your nomination of Keith, therefore, has unbalanced influence. Is that what you want?

If you genuinely want to nominate Keith Henderson as one voice among many and allow others the real opportunity to do the same with equal weight as your own nomination, then you need to use your blog in some way to allow others the opportunity to voice their own nominations and provide a means to tally votes. That responsibility to tally votes could go to any number of people, but contact info for such a person would need to be posted on your blog, otherwise it’s just a shouting match where timid voices aren’t heard.

I suggest nominations go to Ken Jensen’s email. —

He’s willing. If you like you could post this:

For any wishing to nominate another recorder, contact Ken Jensen at [email protected]. He will take nominations and tally votes.