False but Repeated

There is a false rumor which gets often repeated, and I thought I’d mention here.

Many people, including those who criticize Passing the Heavenly Gift, claim that the talks I began on September 10, 2013 in Boise, Idaho were to “promote” that book. That accusation comes from the stake president’s letter demanding that I not promote the book in his summons letter. That letter was written before any of the talks were given. He was guessing the about the talks. I responded to him, and on this blog, that I’ve never promoted the book and the planned talks have nothing to do with the book. The subject of the lectures is Zion. I have concluded five of them. You can search them if you like. There is nothing in any talk that promotes Passing the Heavenly Gift. If it is mentioned, it is only to give context to something discussed. I do this with other things I have written. It helps quickly put something in context. That is not promotion.

Before the talks began the Salt Lake Tribune also said the purpose of the upcoming talks was to promote the book. They took that from the stake president’s letter. Of course, since no talk had been given, they were merely speculating along with the stake president.

Reviewers writing after the Zion talks began, the Salt Lake Tribune writing before the talks began, bloggers writing after the talks began, and those making comments on news articles both before and after have repeated the stake president’s unsubstantiated fear that I was planning to promote the book on a speaking tour. When the accusation was originally made, he didn’t know what I was planning to speak about and he feared (or more correctly those who were behind the court feared) it would be about the book. The accusation continues to be repeated that I was excommunicated because I refused to stop promoting the book. The fact is that I’ve never begun to promote it. It is dishonest to continue to claim the contrary, even when five of the talks have now been given and they have nothing to do with promoting a book.

At the talk venues, which I pay to rent, the public is invited to attend without any cost. My books are not available for sale at the venues. Those who spend their own time, provide the equipment and recording media sell copies of the recorded talks. They charge to offset their costs. I get nothing from the sales, and any portion considered mine is donated to further the missionary effort of the church.

The talks are about Zion. You can read transcripts of them by using the links on this blog. If you find something promoting Passing the Heavenly Gift in any of these talks, please send me a comment pointing it out to me.

The first five talks laid a foundation for the next talk, which will address Zion directly. The talk after that (which will be the seventh) will speak of Christ. Thereafter, the criteria and characteristics of mankind related to Zion will be discussed. All of the talks are on one subject only: Zion. In retrospect you will see there was only one talk given, in ten increments, on that single topic.

Just to be clear, I am not angry. Sometimes in this politically correct culture, correcting an error is thought to represent an angry outburst. That is not the case. I just want to be clear about the truth. If you believe I am promoting a book in the talks I have been and will be giving, then you are mistaken because you believe a false accusation which, by now, has proven to be untrue.