Responses and Response

Just because I respond to a question does not mean I associate importance with the topic. Those who were unaware of the “Davidic king” topic needn’t trouble themselves to read about it. For the most part those who claim to understand the topic are not going to help you. I would leave it alone.
For the woman who has become ostracized because she has “read my books” I would suggest that reading them does not require you to talk about them. No one needs to be told what they aren’t willing to hear. I stay on-topic in church meetings and discussions. I teach from the church provided materials, and participate by contributing in the context of lessons being taught by others. I do not impose my views on someone else. They either must search for it independent of the church’s programs, or buy the books and read them for themselves. Until asked a question, I leave others alone. Those who want to know more are actively searching and can be assisted. Those who are completely content would not be interested in anything contrary to their understanding, and you invite arguments when you try to “convert” them.
As I said, the church IS the current program of the Lord. The broad net is spreading worldwide and gathering all manner of fish. Angels will one day sort through them. But for now, we should all work with this organization to fulfill the Lord’s assignment.
The “awful situation” among us Latter-day Saints IS the primary topic I discuss.
The specifics of what one person does/did will never apply to what another must do. This is individual. There are no rules. What will break your heart is different from what broke Abraham’s, which in turn was different from what broke the Lord’s, and what broke Joseph’s. Therefore the examples we have in scripture are all you need study.