No Man Will Save You

There isn’t going to be any man or group of men who save you. There is literally a single way, and a single source. That is Christ. (Mosiah 3:17.) Whether you are able to receive salvation or not is entirely dependent on how you respond to Him, not to other people. (2 Ne. 9: 41.)
There are no magic ordinances that will reconcile you to Him. (2 Ne. 25: 23.) Ordinances may be mandatory, but they do not save. They are evidence we are willing to submit to Him (2 Ne. 31: 5), but they are not the full scope of submission required for salvation. (Luke 6: 46.)
It has never been enough to attend meetings, perform outward ordinances and be part of a group that meets to discuss the scriptures from time to time. Every one must individually accept responsibility for coming to Christ and doing what He asks. (Luke 6: 45-49.)
The relentless message of the Book of Mormon is that we must all repent. We are not secure in our standing before God until we repent, come down in the depths of humility and become accepted by Him. When He ministers to us, we can know our standing before Him. Until then, we cannot know. (JS-H: 1: 29.)
There is no “boss” who will bring you along to salvation.
There are no comforting words you need to hear that will make you secure in your sins. (2 Ne. 28: 21.)
There is no hopeful message that needs to be shared about how everyone will probably be saved at the last day. (2 Ne. 28: 22.)
You don’t need me, nor any other man. You need to reconcile yourself to Christ. Anyone who wants to place themselves between you and the Lord will, if you let them, bring you and them to hell.