3 Nephi 14: 12

3 Nephi 14: 12:

“Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets.”

This thought has been taken from the talk and made a law unto itself. Perhaps it belongs there. But it also integrates into the sermon as well.

Remember what preceded this comment. The Father is the giver of “good gifts” and will give you “bread” when you ask it. He will never give you a “stone” when you ask of Him bread.

This follows. You must also become the giver of good gifts. You must also provide to others what they need from you. How you give, unlocks the Father’s ability to give to you. Every principle is eternal. Every life requires the balance.

When you seek, you must free the Father’s hand to give to you by what you give to others. Without equitable treatment of others, the Father cannot give you.

Your relationship with your fellow man defines your relationship with the Father. Your kindness towards others establishes the conditions of His ability to give kindness to you.

Be careful how you treat others. It affects how the Father is permitted to treat you. It is an eternal principle. (Alma 41: 15.)

The law and all the prophets were attempting to teach us to deal equitably with one another. What Christ is summarizing is the intent of all that has been given to us in the law and prophets.

Give what you want. Be fair, even generous. It will return to you. No matter how this life disappoints, discourages or frustrates you, keep pressing forward with good cheer. It will be for your good and, as it all concludes, will return to you glory.

This is how the world can be redeemed. This is how Zion will be brought again.  It will be the Lord’s doing, because it will be through following His commandments that people can be prepared. Those who will participate will necessarily need to heed His commandments. If they do, there will be no poor among them. They will be of one mind and one heart, because they will share the same vision of how to live. They will give one another what they would like to receive, and the result will be the return of a society that has rarely existed on this earth. Heaven can guide and teach us how it is to be done. But we must do it.

Even if no one else will live this principle, you can. If you do, the Lord is able to “take up His abode with you” and even bring you to the Father. (John 14: 23.) Not in some distant time, nor merely “in your heart.” It is literal.  (D&C 130: 3.)

The way to prove these teachings is to live them. If you do, you will know the doctrine’s truth. (John 7: 17.)

In this brief statement Christ has captured the underlying message of all the prophets from Moses to Christ. It is the reason for God working with Israel. It is the way for any person to find their way back to God.

This message is succinct, profound, and able to transform life. Christ was the Master Teacher. In this brief statement He has proven His standing as the greatest source of truth of all those who have instructed others. It is because of this ringing truth that Christ’s message has endured through millennia of apostasy and darkness. Words such as these will outlast empires, shine in darkness and subdue critics. He was and is indeed the way, the truth and the life. (John 14: 6.)