2 Nephi 30: 9-10

2 Nephi 30: 9-10:

“And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.  For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.”
Nephi quotes Isaiah to weave a second witness into this end-of-times description of the Lord’s agenda.
Righteousness for the poor. Equity for the meek. Smiting for the earth. Death to the wicked. For the poor, why “righteousness?” For the meek, why “equity?” For the earth, why shall it be “smitten?” What is the “rod of His mouth” to be used to smite the earth?
For the wicked, it is the “breath of His lips” which will slay. Have you considered what this means? Why His “breath” when that is the mechanism that brings life to Adam, (Gen. 2: 7) and the Spirit to His disciples? (John 20: 22) Does the word “breath” imply the converse of bringing life, and the removal of the Holy Spirit? If so, how do those ideas affect the meaning of the Lord’s decision to “slay the wicked?” In what sense will they be “slain?”
What does it mean that “the time speedily cometh?” From what point is the measure taken to decide the “speed” of His coming? Is it from Nephi’s prophecy, or from the time in which the prophecy is set?
What does it mean there will be “caused a great division?”  How would that “division” manifest itself? Is it first spiritual, then physical? Or is it both from the start? If it is first a great spiritual division, followed at some point in a physical gathering together of these two groups into separate locations, how would it unfold?
How will the wicked be “destroyed?” (Mormon 4: 5.) Will they also be able to destroy the people whom the Lord identifies as “His people?” (1 Ne. 22: 16.)
What does it mean that the Lord “will spare His people, yea, even if it so be that He must destroy the wicked by fire?” Is that true?  Would the Lord personally intervene to protect His people? Has He done anything like that before? If so, when? Why? Can He still do that today? In a time of tremendous upheaval and destruction, can He selectively preserve His people? (3 Nephi 9: 1-13.) What protection is there from such forces of destruction?
Have you noticed how things seem to be speeding up?  Business cycles that used to take generations now play themselves out in a few years. Political dynasties are crumbling and institutions which were once impervious to change are being forced to change. Cultural norms are changing so quickly that change is itself the new culture.  The days seem to be shortening, don’t they. (Matt. 24: 22; JS-Matt. 1: 20.)

4 thoughts on “2 Nephi 30: 9-10

  1. I believe Joseph answers some of these questions in the Kirtland Temple dedication… D & C 109

    preparing the saints to “hold up” in the day of trouble.

    See 109:25,26,30,35,38,46,….the whole section 109 is remarkable and worth review/study.

    Parts of the revelation (109) sure look like the saints are being told to batten down the hatches for what is coming-in this case fire-put things in a condition so as to resist the violent forces coming….I see the word SEAL throughout.

    The temple seems to be central–a place that urges us to clean up our act…. and quickly.

  2. ” Would the Lord personally intervene to protect His people? Has He done anything like that before? If so, when? Why? Can He still do that today? ”

    In regards to this question, an event sprung to mind. At the beginning of the gulf war, Iraq began launching missiles at Israel; 39 missiles in all. There was extensive property damage–and only 2 deaths. As I understand, families would be eating their evening meal, a bomb would destroy their home with the walls falling around them, and not a soul was injured. You can see more on the event on

    I know in my own life, I have felt the Lord’s protecting hand on more than one occasion. And I have no doubt that in the future he will assist those whom he will when he will.

  3. One event that came to my mind was the exodus of the children of Israel as they left Egypt. Isaiah talks about an exodus for us in our day as well. I believe it will require miracles from God just as amazing and even more so in order to preserve us from the coming destructions.


  4. Speeding up seems to go hand in hand with the “breaking down” that will occur.

    Isa. 5: 5
    5 And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down:

    Isa. 22: 5
    5 For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord God of hosts in the valley of vision, breaking down the walls, and of crying to the mountains.

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