
On Friday Marie Osmond’s son died in LA of an apparent suicide.  My heart goes out to her.  Some trials in life are not meant to be understood, but only to be endured.  The suffering from unexplainable ordeals can bring us closer to the Lord, who alone can comfort us in such extremities.

In Chile there are over 200 dead and many missing.  There is a race to rescue about 100 people trapped in a building.  Aftershocks and injuries threaten those who are trapped.

There are no magic words to console those who endure tests in mortality.  But we do have the promise from Him whose word is law and cannot return to Him unfulfilled:  “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”  (Rev. 7: 17.)  If God intends to do this in the final day, the only God-like conduct we can imitate is to lessen the burdens felt by those with a sense of loss today.

3 thoughts on “Trials

  1. From the book “The Hiding Place”:

    “There is no pit so deep that God is deeper still”

    Wonderful book for those who suffer and want to see Christ through their situation.

  2. What was weird for me was I saw God’s love in the news of the suicide. Not to say that it was not and will not be difficult for her to bear that loss. God’s love has nothing to do with keeping us comfortable or always doing that which seems outwardly loving to the world, in the word’s eyes. It is all about that individual being known and being loved by God. Both the one who committed suicide and the ones left behind illustrate the WHAT of the Atonement. The consequences of agency, healing for both the victims as well as the perpetrators.

    How great is our God????

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