Questions and Answers

I get asked a lot of questions.  The other day someone asked how “to write only what the Spirit directs?”

That requires something quite subtle and hard to keep.  The presence of the Spirit, its constant companionship, guidance and influence is so refined and difficult a matter to put into words that even the scriptures do not give an adequate account of the process. 

Obedience is required, but there are obedient people who are utterly without the Spirit.  Obedience can make a person rigid and unyielding, when they ought instead to be meek and pliable.

Discipline is required, but not if it makes a person dogmatic.  The word “disciple” is derived from discipline, but a disciple follows the Master.  A disciplined man can be on his own errand, rather than the Lord’s.  

These words, like so many others fail to capture just how great and fine a balance is required for the Spirit to provide direction.

Meekness is required, but not in the way the world thinks of meekness.  I’ve tried to explain the true quality of meekness shown by the Lord and His followers in Beloved Enos.  It involves power, strength, and certitude.

The process almost defies words.  It is very real, in fact tangible.  But the way in which you know it to be right involves an ability to feel the balance, taste the good, harmonize with the greater intelligence which pervades everything that is.  It comes from Him.  It is Him, in a very real sense.  All things were made by Him, bear record of Him, and are a testimony of His way.

Writing the words of eternal life require someone to have eternal life.  They can still be mortal, but they need the promise of eternal life.  So I suppose the Lord’s admonition: “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all things shall be added thereto” really answers the question.  Or as told to Hyrum: “Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word.”  The one must precede the other.  At least the statement of the Lord to His disciples, and the revelation to Hyrum Smith seem to indicate as much.