
Below is an email I am going to send in response to any new emails.  I regret having to do this, but as should be apparent from the content below, I am forced to do so:
Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of meeting, talking, and associating with many new people.  I have had the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions about the gospel, about books I have written, and about other subjects that help move along the truth of the restored gospel. I have been contacted by people far and wide who have read what I have written, and as a result, have wanted to meet or talk with me. Some people have wanted to meet over lunch on a weekday. Others have come to my office to meet with me.  Some have made appointments, others have just dropped in.  I have spent countless hours talking with people on the phone.  There are those who have wanted to attend the temple with me, and I have made arrangements to do so.  This has been a great blessing to me.  However, it has grown now to the point that I can no longer accommodate the many requests.

On any given day, I now receive dozens of email questions from people I know or am acquainted with, as well as people I don’t know, who want answers to questions they have as a result of something I have written or for other various reasons.  I’ve been asked to meet at the temple, to come to someone’s home and talk, to allow someone to come to my house to meet with me, to visit in my office, or to do other things for them.  I have been given articles, manuscripts, plays, DVD’s, video tapes, books, letters, and other media and asked to read, edit, and/or give an opinion about the materials.  I have been asked to speak on numerous occasions at various functions, which I have done on a few very rare occasions.  Right now there are over a dozen requests to speak at places in Utah, California and Arizona.

I have sincerely tried to be available to everyone in whatever capacity they have asked me.  I have given up  a great deal of time in order to respond to requests when people have sought me out. I have enjoyed these wonderful associations and opportunities. Many of these have been blessings to me.  I have learned much and I love the opportunity to discuss, teach and learn the truth, and to be taught by others.

It is with regret however, that I will no longer be able to make myself available in this way.  Last Monday was when it reached a point I decided I could no longer continue in the same way.  Before the day was over I spent six hours answering emails related to books I have written.  I have a wife and several children who need my attention, and an active law practice which requires my full time work. My family and business suffer from neglect when I spend excessive time answering Gospel questions.  I employ 6 people whose families depend upon my productivity at work.  They have been very patient with my diversions over the last several years, but they deserve better from me as an employer.   

Despite the inability to be available directly, my wife and I have come up with a plan which will help solve the problem, I hope.  My wife has agreed to maintain a website where I will post answers to questions I have received over the years, comments or things that I believe may be edifying, or whatever I think may be beneficial as a result of something that comes from a reader.  I will try to update it at least weekly. 

The address will be:

Thank you for understanding these problems.  I hope the solution will still allow me to be of service to anyone who asks something of me.
Kindest Regards,

Denver C. Snuffer, Jr.